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10 ways to make sure your is better than okay

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1 10 ways to make sure your is better than okay

2  It used to be that you could get major attention just by using infographics. Today, that’s not the case. Everyone is making infographics. You have to make infographics that are better than the next guy’s infographics. That’s not easy to do. Here are some of the tips that can save your infographics from disaster.

3 1. Create your infographic for your target audience
1. Create your infographic for your target audience. This infographic has a target audience — public school teachers.

4 2. Keep it simple. One of the advantages of infographics is that they can distill advanced ideas into a simple visual form. This infographic would work better as four or five infographics. .

5 3. Keep it focused. Instead, an infographic is intended to drive a single, focused point. This infographic is focused on a single topic — backup practices of Mac users. .

6 4. Show things visually. The best infographics are ones that have a good balance of visual information with written information. This infographic uses a few icons and an image, but not a whole lot of other visual elements. To qualify for the “graphic” in infographic, it needs some more visual pizzazz. .

7 5. Make it easy to view. Sometimes, an infographic gets lost in its resizing. The designer makes it huge, then the developer has to downsize it. In the process, the readability gets lost. Many infographics have a variety of font sizes. Make sure that the smallest font on your infographic can be seen without too much difficulty. The words in the infographic below have become too small to read easily

8 6. Make it a manageable length and size
6. Make it a manageable length and size. Infographics are supposed to be big. We get that. But go too big, and you’ll start losing people .

9 7. Add white space. An infographic is an exercise in graphic design best practice. Any graphic designer will tell you that white space is important. There’s not enough white space in this infographic .

10 8. Create a killer headline
8. Create a killer headline. Good headlines will have these features: They describe the infographic They grab the user’s attention. They are short enough to understand at a glance. 70 characters is a good length

11 9. Check your facts and figures
9. Check your facts and figures. Make sure that the statistics themselves are true. Make sure that your sources are reliable. Make sure that your graphical representation of the data lines up with the number (if you have both)  Cite your sources. Where did you get your data? Cite it. Try to use sources that are as up-to-date as possible. Cite the source of my infographic data at the very end of the infographic.





16 Pick one of the two graphics you did not “grade” yesterday
Pick one of the two graphics you did not “grade” yesterday. Go through all 10 of the tips we took notes on yesterday. Make a note on the page about each of the tips. Make suggestions for improvement and tell them what they did correctly.

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