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ComicLife Using ComicLife in the Classroom Leanne Forrest – December 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ComicLife Using ComicLife in the Classroom Leanne Forrest – December 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ComicLife Using ComicLife in the Classroom Leanne Forrest – December 2009

2 Why Comics? increasingly more popular genres of literature + engaging format valuable medium with which to reach students = graphic novels and comics are a valuable medium with which to reach students. Graphic Novel WebsiteGraphic Novels Booklist

3 What is ComicLife? User-friendly Easy to learn Using images or photographs, students can create comics Completed comics can be exported as JPEGs, Quicktime or html formats for printing, posting, or emailing.

4 Using ComicLife Accessible to all students in Regina Catholic Schools on all computers –N-Computing –Laptops –Mac or PC Remember you will have to use SchoolConnect to create a class icon and assign the software in TeacherTools.

5 Using ComicLife Select a template Drag images from the library Add: –Text Boxes –Effects (to make images appear like comics) –Dialogue Bubbles –Titles Templates and styles can vary from page to page. Quick Help SheetOnline Manual

6 ComicLife in the Classroom Creating timelines Present an argument Analyze a character Tell a story/Summarize a story Report on a topic, event or process Show cause and effect Teachers can also create many TEMPLATES in ComicLife to present or summarize work in a visually appealing format.TEMPLATES

7 Examples of Classroom Uses Cause and Effect Periodic Table Newsletter A Day in the Life: History Habitat Studies Writing a Comic Outline More ComicLife ExamplesMore ComicLife Examples ComicLife in EducationComicLife in Education

8 Benefits of ComicLife Engaging and easy to use Uses multiple skill levels as students organize, analyze and synthesize information Multiple intelligences used as students create, act, and think through the comic Relate material to meaningful contexts Appealing as students add their own creativity Summarized from: Tech Module – Using ComicLife in the ClassroomTech Module – Using ComicLife in the Classroom

9 Tips and Tricks Review tutorials –give students time to explore –provide demonstration Be clear on purpose and goal of the assignment

10 Tips and Tricks Plan the process –Brainstorm ideas –Plan pictures, sketch plan (planning templates) –Create final product Drafts will be required to ensure a polished final product – include all elements in the planning including pictures and texts.

11 Images for ComicLife Image Options can include: –Online photographs (WARNING:copyright) –Real life images of students (WARNING: do not post these products to the internet without parental permission)

12 Images for ComicLife Image Options can include: –Toys/Animations (WARNING: Can be time consuming) –Stills from Videos (WARNING: Copyright) Sourcing Images: –This link provides lots of information about sourcing images for your comics.This link

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