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Dinamic of price level in RES sector in Lithuania

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Presentation on theme: "Dinamic of price level in RES sector in Lithuania"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dinamic of price level in RES sector in Lithuania
Jūratė Pravalackaitė Head of Renewable Resources Division National Commission for Energy Control and Prices

2 Legislation Variable tariff Support until 2020 Connection discount
Support for 12 years Feed-in tariff Connection discount Purchase of electricity Free capacity reservation Priority right of electricity transfer No balancing responsibility Variable tariff Support until 2020 Connection discount

3 Feed – in tariff economic efficiency; technological novelty; minimal financial taxes for consumers. Future cash flows net present value (NPV) after 12 years, must be equal to zero.

4 Feed – in tariff, Eur/kWh
investment cost decreased; more efficient technologies; WACC value decreased.

5 Differentiation of feed-in tariffs
Definition Solar PV Non integrated <10 kW kW >100 kW Integrated Hydro kW >1000 kW Wind kW >350 kW Biomass New kW >5000 kW Rebuild Biogas Sewage kW kW kW >2000 kW Landfill >500 kW

6 AUCTION – main principles
Max term – 180 days Technology + installed capacity Feed – in tariff for 12 years The lowest feed – in tariff The biggest installed capacity; The following two participants can agree with the winner‘s feed - in tariff. 20 different auctions if there is enough quota

7 Auction’s steps RES producer request Auction announcement
Auction documents and feed-in tariff registration Documents‘ scrutiny and the list of the auction participants Feed-in tariff rating and winner announcement Auction’s steps


9 Produced electricity, MWh Installed capacity, MW

10 Public Service Obligations (PSO)
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total PSO budget, mln. Eur. 130,8 179,6 210,8 267,4 191,45 Total price of PSO, eur.ct/kWh 1,37 1,74 2,04 2,72 2,07 RES price of PSO, eur.ct/kWh 0,13 0,26 0,36 0,54 0,6 RES price of PSO budget, %. 9,70 15,03 17,54 19,95 32,64

11 Thank you for your attention!

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