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ARCH-13 Transactions in an SOA World
Mike Ormerod Product Manager & Applied Architect
Agenda Definition Through the ages Distributed Database Transactions
SOA Transactions Compensation Coordinator Managed vs. Un-Managed Summary ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Definition : Transaction
“A transaction is a set of related changes to the database that the database either completes in its entirety or discards, leaving no modification to the database.” OpenEdge Development: ABL Handbook ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
ACID Properties Atomic – All or nothing
Consistent – Start & End in a Consistent state Isolated – transactions appear isolated from all other operations Durable – once notified, the transaction will persist Atomicity states that database modifications must follow an “all or nothing” rule. Each transaction is said to be “atomic.” If one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails. It is critical that the database management system maintain the atomic nature of transactions in spite of any DBMS, operating system or hardware failure. Consistency states that only valid data will be written to the database. If, for some reason, a transaction is executed that violates the database’s consistency rules, the entire transaction will be rolled back and the database will be restored to a state consistent with those rules. On the other hand, if a transaction successfully executes, it will take the database from one state that is consistent with the rules to another state that is also consistent with the rules. Isolation requires that multiple transactions occurring at the same time not impact each other’s execution. For example, if Joe issues a transaction against a database at the same time that Mary issues a different transaction, both transactions should operate on the database in an isolated manner. The database should either perform Joe’s entire transaction before executing Mary’s or vice-versa. This prevents Joe’s transaction from reading intermediate data produced as a side effect of part of Mary’s transaction that will not eventually be committed to the database. Note that the isolation property does not ensure which transaction will execute first, merely that they will not interfere with each other. Durability ensures that any transaction committed to the database will not be lost. Durability is ensured through the use of database backups and transaction logs that facilitate the restoration of committed transactions in spite of any subsequent software or hardware failures. ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Agenda Definition Through the ages Distributed Database Transactions
SOA Transactions Compensation Coordinator Managed vs. Un-Managed Summary ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Update or Read EXCLUSIVE-LOCK..
Host Based Application DO Transaction.. FOR EACH.. REPEAT.. DO ON ERROR.. Update or Read EXCLUSIVE-LOCK..
Update or Read EXCLUSIVE-LOCK..
Client-Server Host Based Application Client DO Transaction.. FOR EACH.. REPEAT.. DO ON ERROR.. Update or Read EXCLUSIVE-LOCK.. Server
Update or Read EXCLUSIVE-LOCK..
Client-Server n-Tier / Stateless Client DO Transaction.. DO ON ERROR.. REPEAT.. FOR EACH.. AppServer Server Update or Read EXCLUSIVE-LOCK.. ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Common Infrastructure Update or Read EXCLUSIVE-LOCK..
n-Tier / Stateless OERA Presentation Business Components Data Access Data Sources Common Infrastructure Enterprise Services Client AppServer DO Transaction.. FOR EACH.. REPEAT.. DO ON ERROR.. Update or Read EXCLUSIVE-LOCK.. All the above work due to a locked state which is possible in a closed environment ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
OERA Transactions No Transaction Only State Transaction Start
Service Adapter Enterprise Services Business Entity Business Task Data Access Object Data Source Object Business Workflow No Transaction Only State Transaction Start Sub-Transaction Start Transaction Start ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Agenda Definition Through the ages Distributed Database Transactions
SOA Transactions Compensation Coordinator Managed vs. Un-Managed Summary ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Definition : Distributed Transaction
“A distributed transaction is a single transaction that updates two or more databases.” OpenEdge Data Management: Database Admin ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Distributed Transaction
Withdrawal Banking Application Deposit X A bank has two accounts, one on database acct1 and another on database acct2. The bank runs an application that starts a transaction to withdraw a sum of money from acct1 and deposit it into acct2. To keep the accounts in balance, it is critical that both operations—the withdrawal and the deposit—succeed, or that they both fail. For example, if acct1 commits its part of the transaction and acct2 does not, there is an inconsistency in the data. ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Distributed Transaction: 2 Phase Commit
Ensures transaction consistency across all databases All commit or none Commit in 2 Phases Complete or Roll Back ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Distributed Transaction (2PC)
Commit Commit Withdrawal Banking Application Deposit Two-phase commit ensures that distributed transactions occur consistently across all databases. Two-phase commit protects against inconsistency by making sure that all databases commit the transaction, or that none commit. To ensure database integrity across all involved databases, the database engine commits database updates in two distinct phases. During the first phase, the database engine checks each database involved in a transaction to verify that it is ready to commit the transaction. During the second phase, the database engine directs the databases to commit the transaction and then verifies that they committed it properly. If there is an inconsistency, the database engine displays error messages and allows you to complete or roll back the inconsistent transaction to return the data to a consistent state. Again possible due to closed environment and roll-back ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Distributed Transaction – Limbo Transaction
Commit Commit X Withdrawal Banking Application Deposit A limbo transaction (also known as an in-doubt transaction) occurs if the coordinator database commits or aborts a distributed transaction, but a hardware or software failure prevents other databases from doing likewise. This is called a limbo transaction because the processing of the transaction is temporarily suspended. A limbo transaction might occur for a variety of reasons; for example, as a result of a power outage. When a limbo transaction occurs, you must resolve the transaction to re-establish data Consistency. Once the coordinator database establishes the status of a distributed transaction, it writes the status to its BI and TL (transaction log) files. The TL file tracks the status of all distributed transactions that affect the coordinator database. Since the database engine continually overwrites the contents of the BI file, the TL file is necessary to permanently record the status of a transaction. If you must resolve limbo transactions, the transaction log file ensures that the coordinator has a reliable record of the transaction. To resolve limbo transactions, you must consult the coordinator database of each transaction to see if the coordinator committed the transaction. If the coordinator database committed the transaction, you must also commit the transaction on the database where the limbo transaction occurred. If the coordinator did not commit the transaction, you must terminate the transaction on the database where the limbo transaction occurred. Again possible due to closed environment and roll-back ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Agenda Definition Through the ages Distributed Database Transactions
SOA Transactions Compensation Coordinator Managed vs. Un-Managed Summary ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
SOA Transactions Functionality separated into Services
Application comprises many Services Services as a separate platform System Independent Entities ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
SOA Transaction Issues
Multiple services resulting in multiple endpoints Loosely coupled systems Maintaining Txn’s only possible in closely coupled systems Services based on any platform Resources can’t be kept in a locked state Alternate Recover methods Let's consider a scenario where the transaction involves the participation of three different services - each performing a particular operation. Only if all three operations are successful would the transaction be deemed a success. Any other outcome would result in the transaction being marked as a failure. Then, if and when the transaction fails, appropriate recovery measures have to be implemented. And to top it off, we can lock a resource only for the time when the service local to the resource is operating. Let's look into the problems encountered with long-running transactions in SOA. They can be referred to as failure cases: 1) The participation of multiple services results in multiple endpoints being invoked during one cycle of the transaction. Any of these services can be down at the instance when the transaction is in process. 2) SOA boasts of loosely coupled systems. Maintaining transactions is only possible in closely coupled systems. 3) The services involved can be based on any platform. Because of the disparity among the underlying implementation of the services, a context can't be deployed across the services to manage the transactions. 4) The current status in the flow of the transaction can't be known at a given instance. 5) If asynchronous services are involved in the transaction they can't be reached back, unless the service information is explicitly passed on. 6) Resources can't be kept in a locked state for long periods of time. To free a resource once the service is done with it, it must release it. Doing this can cause a problem later on if the service fails and a rollback is issued throughout all the services. 7) Alternate methods need to be devised to perform the appropriate recovery operations. In most cases these methods are either platform-specific or too dependent on the underlying business process. ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
What’s needed Uniquely identify transaction across services
Guarantee that data is delivered and notifications sent Some form of compensation for when it goes wrong Handle errors in asynchronous services ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Possible Solutions Compensation Transaction Coordinator
ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Agenda Definition Through the ages Distributed Database Transactions
SOA Transactions Compensation Coordinator Managed vs. Un-Managed Summary ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Definition : Compensation
“Compensation is an action taken when something goes wrong or when there is a change of plan.” IBM Systems Journal– April 2002 ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Compensation (5) Error/Exception thrown (7) Call Compensation
(1) Calls (3) Calls Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 (9) Return Failure (6) Return error Let's consider a scenario where the transaction involves the participation of three different services - each performing a particular operation. Only if all three operations are successful would the transaction be deemed a success. Any other outcome would result in the transaction being marked as a failure. Then, if and when the transaction fails, appropriate recovery measures have to be implemented. And to top it off, we can lock a resource only for the time when the service local to the resource is operating. if the transaction fails at the third service (the transaction is uniquely identified by an id throughout its lifetime), we need to perform a compensatory operation at the previous service to negate the effect caused by the transaction. So, if the second service sent out an announcing that it has implemented the changes, a compensatory operation would be to send another announcing the failure of the transaction and that the changes have been undone. Ok for sync, but what about async ? (2) Change DB (8) Apply Compensation (4) Fails ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Compensation Issues Asynchronous services Where to store state details
ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Agenda Definition Through the ages Distributed Database Transactions
SOA Transactions Compensation Coordinator Managed vs. Un-Managed Conclusion ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Definition : Transaction Coordination
“Orchestration of transactions through a transaction manager or process coordinator.” SOA Systems – Feb 2007 ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Coordination Service Coordinator Service (11) Return Failure (1) Call
Compensation (10) Return Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 (3) Change DB (9) Apply Compensation (6) Fails ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Coordination Advantages
Fixes Asynchronous issues of Compensation Manages state & service information Central management of transaction & compensation ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
(generates transaction id and maintains ACID properties)
Money Transfer Log Coordinator Service (generates transaction id and maintains ACID properties) (5) Call (2) Call (8) Return status (12) Return status (3) Return id (9) Call (1) request Client Initiation Service Credit Service Debit Service The coordinator receives the input and generates an id to uniquely identify the transaction. An acknowledgement is sent to the initiation service as RECEIVED. The initiation service notifies the client about the start of the process and provides the unique transaction id. The client can use this transaction id to monitor and track the transaction. The initiation service is now ready to take further client input. The coordinator maintains a log to record each operation it performs. The log is created against the transaction id. After generating the id for the transaction, the coordinator calls the external service of the bank, which accepts the money. This credit service takes the necessary input and starts updating the records in the database. Depending upon the style of the compensation, state information is saved before the update process initiates. Once the update takes place successfully, an acknowledgement to the coordinator is sent. The coordinator then logs the changes and proceeds to call the debit service. The debit service makes the necessary changes to the local database to reflect the debit. The debit process follows the same pattern as the credit process. On successful operation, a DEBITED acknowledgement is sent to the coordinator. The coordinator notifies each service involved of successful individual transactions at each step by means enacts the 2PC execution. When there's a failure, the coordinator runs the compensation service for each activity. (4) Return id (7) Return status (11) Return status (6) Update DB (10) Update DB ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Agenda Definition Through the ages Distributed Database Transactions
SOA Transactions Compensation Coordinator Managed vs. Un-Managed Summary ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
OpenEdge Reference Architecture
Presentation Enterprise Services Common Infrastructure Business Components Data Access Open Edge Reference Architecture (OERA) provides a guideline of how a Web service can fit into the framework of an application. A Web service definition is one type of physical implementation for the logical definition of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Data Sources ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Definition : Managed Transaction
“A Managed Transaction is managed by the transaction manager that is built into the OpenEdge platform. A Managed Transaction can only access Managed Data Sources” OERA Quick Reference Guide ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Definition : Un-Managed Transaction
“An Un-Managed Transaction is a transaction that updates information in an Un-Managed Data Source or Enterprise Service. An Un-Managed transaction is not managed by the transaction manager of the OpenEdge platform.” OERA Quick Reference Guide ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Managed or Un-Managed Transaction?
Service Interface Business Entity Managed Data Access Object Data Source Object OE ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Managed or Un-Managed Transaction?
Service Interface Business Entity Managed Data Access Object Data Source Object Data Source Object OE OE ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Managed or Un-Managed Transaction?
Service Interface Business Entity Un-Managed Data Access Object Data Source Object Data Source Object OE ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Managed or Un-Managed Transaction?
Service Interface Business Task Managed Business Entity Business Entity Data Access Object Data Access Object Data Source Object Data Source Object OE OE ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Managed or Un-Managed Transaction?
Service Interface Business Task Un-Managed Business Entity Business Entity Data Access Object Data Access Object Data Source Object Data Source Object OE ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Un-Managed Enterprise Services Enterprise Services Business Workflow
Service Adapter Enterprise Services Business Entity Business Task Data Access Object Data Source Object Business Workflow Un-Managed ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Common Infrastructure
Money Transfer Common Infrastructure Log Coordinator Service (generates transaction id and maintains ACID properties) Business Workflow (5) Call (2) Call (8) Return status (12) Return status (3) Return id (9) Call (1) request Business Components Data Access Business Components Data Access Client Credit Service Business Components Data Access Initiation Service Debit Service The coordinator receives the input and generates an id to uniquely identify the transaction. An acknowledgement is sent to the initiation service as RECEIVED. The initiation service notifies the client about the start of the process and provides the unique transaction id. The client can use this transaction id to monitor and track the transaction. The initiation service is now ready to take further client input. The coordinator maintains a log to record each operation it performs. The log is created against the transaction id. After generating the id for the transaction, the coordinator calls the external service of the bank, which accepts the money. This credit service takes the necessary input and starts updating the records in the database. Depending upon the style of the compensation, state information is saved before the update process initiates. Once the update takes place successfully, an acknowledgement to the coordinator is sent. The coordinator then logs the changes and proceeds to call the debit service. The debit service makes the necessary changes to the local database to reflect the debit. The debit process follows the same pattern as the credit process. On successful operation, a DEBITED acknowledgement is sent to the coordinator. The coordinator notifies each service involved of successful individual transactions at each step by means enacts the 2PC execution. When there's a failure, the coordinator runs the compensation service for each activity. (4) Return id (7) Return status (11) Return status (6) Update DB (10) Update DB ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Common Infrastructure Enterprise Service Bus
Money Transfer – ESB Common Infrastructure Dynamic Process Launcher Log Enterprise Service Bus Business Workflow Coordinator Service (generates transaction id and maintains ACID properties) (5) Call (2) Call (8) Return status (12) Return status (3) Return id (9) Call (1) request Business Components Data Access Business Components Data Access Business Components Data Access Client Credit Service Initiation Service Debit Service Create an external repository and drive process definition through meta-data rather than manually creating processes in the bus will like this feature. What about fetching process information from an external web service and dynamically constructing a process based on the return of the web service? The coordinator receives the input and generates an id to uniquely identify the transaction. An acknowledgement is sent to the initiation service as RECEIVED. The initiation service notifies the client about the start of the process and provides the unique transaction id. The client can use this transaction id to monitor and track the transaction. The initiation service is now ready to take further client input. The coordinator maintains a log to record each operation it performs. The log is created against the transaction id. After generating the id for the transaction, the coordinator calls the external service of the bank, which accepts the money. This credit service takes the necessary input and starts updating the records in the database. Depending upon the style of the compensation, state information is saved before the update process initiates. Once the update takes place successfully, an acknowledgement to the coordinator is sent. The coordinator then logs the changes and proceeds to call the debit service. The debit service makes the necessary changes to the local database to reflect the debit. The debit process follows the same pattern as the credit process. On successful operation, a DEBITED acknowledgement is sent to the coordinator. The coordinator notifies each service involved of successful individual transactions at each step by means enacts the 2PC execution. When there's a failure, the coordinator runs the compensation service for each activity. (4) Return id (7) Return status (11) Return status (6) Update DB (10) Update DB ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Enterprise Service Bus
Money Transfer – BPEL BPEL Service Log Enterprise Service Bus Coordinator Service (generates transaction id and maintains ACID properties) Business Workflow (5) Call (2) Call (8) Return status (12) Return status (3) Return id (9) Call (1) request Client The coordinator receives the input and generates an id to uniquely identify the transaction. An acknowledgement is sent to the initiation service as RECEIVED. The initiation service notifies the client about the start of the process and provides the unique transaction id. The client can use this transaction id to monitor and track the transaction. The initiation service is now ready to take further client input. The coordinator maintains a log to record each operation it performs. The log is created against the transaction id. After generating the id for the transaction, the coordinator calls the external service of the bank, which accepts the money. This credit service takes the necessary input and starts updating the records in the database. Depending upon the style of the compensation, state information is saved before the update process initiates. Once the update takes place successfully, an acknowledgement to the coordinator is sent. The coordinator then logs the changes and proceeds to call the debit service. The debit service makes the necessary changes to the local database to reflect the debit. The debit process follows the same pattern as the credit process. On successful operation, a DEBITED acknowledgement is sent to the coordinator. The coordinator notifies each service involved of successful individual transactions at each step by means enacts the 2PC execution. When there's a failure, the coordinator runs the compensation service for each activity. (4) Return id (7) Return status (11) Return status (6) Update DB (10) Update DB ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
BPEL Compensation Handler
Fault Handler Process (Scope 1) Compensation Handler S2 Scope 2 Snapshot of Scope 2 Compensation Handler S3 Scope 3 Snapshot of Scope 3 When executing the process, the first scope P (the process itself) declares a variable V1 and initializes it to the value of 0. Scopes S2 and S3 are executed. At successful completion of S2 and S3, all variable values are set to 1 and are frozen into snapshots. Subsequently, a fault occurs within the process P (indicated by red dot in the picture), which gets caught by the fault handler FH(P) of the process P. When the fault handler of the process calls the compensation handler CH(S2) of scope S2,the snapshot of S2’s state is retrieved and used while compensating. The same applies when compensating scope S3. Time ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Agenda Definition Through the ages Distributed Database Transactions
SOA Transactions Compensation Coordinator Managed vs. Un-Managed Summary ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
In Summary ACID is good, taken in short doses!
Plan, Design & Architect for target implementation Choose the appropriate transaction model for you Consider ESB & BPEL ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
For More Information, go to…
PSDN Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) ( Forums Web Sites Sonic Software ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
Relevant Exchange Sessions
Sonic-9: Introduction to BPEL INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge & Sonic ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
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ARCH-13: Transactions in an SOA World
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