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Finish through Activity #5 in booklet

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1 Finish through Activity #5 in booklet
Homework 8/30/2017 Study Notes Minutes Finish through Activity #5 in booklet Quiz Corrections due by Tuesday, Sept. 5th

2 6-1.2: Explain the emergence of agriculture and its effect on early human communities, including the domestication of plants and animals, the impact of irrigation techniques, and subsequent food surpluses.

Man begins to farm, no longer have to be nomads. More and more farmers could produce enough food for family and extra food or a SURPLUS to TRADE/BARTER.

4 Irrigation Man learns how to irrigate their crops.
IRRIGATION- method of bringing water to a field from another place to water crops.

5 Domestication of Animals
Since man no longer had to roam, they had to find a way to get meat in their diet. They began to keep and hold animals to eat, and for help pulling carts and other heavy loads.

6 Specialization of Labor
Since man could produce enough food for more than just family, not everyone had to farm. Other humans could be shoe makers, make pottery, or make clothing. They would exchange the goods they made for food.

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