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Organic crop production data collection

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1 Organic crop production data collection
Experiences and results of the Swedish work on the grant “Organic crop production” Ulf Svensson Statistics Division Swedish Board of Agriculture

2 Background Control bodies Aim Work done and results
Content Background Control bodies Aim Work done and results

3 Background Statistics on certified organic crop production in Sweden.
Certified areas on aggregated groups of crops Crop production: - Cereals by crop - Rape & turnip rape - Potatoes - Peas - Field Beans , 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009

4 KRAV – a key player on the organic market in Sweden since 1985
Background KRAV – a key player on the organic market in Sweden since 1985

5 Background KRAV – facts for 2009
3 400 of organic“crop farms” associated 82 % of total certified organic area 92% of the consumers are aware of the label and what it stands for

6 Organic farming labels in Sweden
Background Organic farming labels in Sweden

7 Control bodies Until round 2006 KRAV acted as control body (and transmitted statistics) In 2006 KRAV split the organization and certification became a separate part (Aranea Certifiering AB) New control bodies appear on the market

8 Control bodies Control bodies Certifying according to
Aranea certifiering Smak AB HS certifiering

9 Control bodies Input from the control bodies
Clarity on: - What to report (which data) - When, how and to whom One single entry point for data transmission Obligation of data transmission should be set out in national legislation Administrative burden must be as low as possible

10 Aim System of data collection satisfying the need for
Data to according to reg. 834/2007 Micro data on each holding for the FSS (reg /2008) Data on regional level for the dissemination of statistics nationally (comparable with the statistics for the whole agricultural sector) Micro data for analyses and assessment of effects of subsidy systems, environmental effects, etc.

11 Aim Minimize the administrative burden:
On single entry point for data transmission Data transmission once a year Use existing data/systems as far as possible

12 Work done and results Checking the agreement on data transmission between KRAV and control bodies: Individual data on crop level (almost the same crop codes as in IACS) Possible to use the data to fulfil EU requirements (FSS and 834/2007)? – Yes Possible to use for national statistical needs? (Statistics on crop areas and crop production) - Yes

13 Work done and results HS certifiering Aranea certifiering Smak AB
Swedish Board of Agriculture Eurostat KRAV Statistics Sweden

14 Work done and results Quality test on crop production data
Use of certified areas from the sample survey on organic crop production, Or Use of certified areas from control bodies (total areas)

15 Work done and results

16 Work done and results Preparations for national legislation
Preliminary list of characteristics to be transmitted by the control bodies (by holding) In addition to the characteristics in the Eurostat forms we also ask for linking characteristics to be able to link each holding to the Farm Register

17 Work done and results Dissemination Statistical report on county level
- Total areas (converted, under conversion) - Share of total UAA - Converted areas by crop Databases: Information on municipalities

18 Organic areas in relation to total UAA
Work done and results Organic areas in relation to total UAA

19 Certified organic areas in relation to total UAA, by county
Work done and results Certified organic areas in relation to total UAA, by county

20 Distribution of total organic areas, by county
Work done and results Distribution of total organic areas, by county

21 Converted organic areas by group of arable land crops
Work done and results Converted organic areas by group of arable land crops

22 Thank you for your attention!

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