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Behavior Pathway Brief FBA/ Behavior Support Plan

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2 Behavior Pathway Brief FBA/ Behavior Support Plan

3 Triangle

4 Criteria for Behavior Pathway
Student’s challenging behavior has persisted despite consistently implemented classroom/group based interventions.

5 Make a more friendly tool

6 Tier 2/Tier 3 (Secondary/Tertiary) Interventions Tracking Tool
School Name: __________________________________ School Total Pop:________ Interventions Check in/Check out (CICO) with individual features Behavior Pathway (Brief FBA/BIP) Students Participating Responding Students participating September October November December January February March April May Total for Year


8 Guiding Principles Behavior is predictable. Behavior changeable.
Human behavior occurs within an environmental context, not in a vacuum. Human behavior is learned and can be taught by manipulating aspects of the environmental context--Behavior is a function of the environment Source: Crone , D.A. & Horner, R.H., 2003

9 A Context for Positive Behavior Support
A redesign of environments, not redesign of a student Plan describes what we will do differently Plan is based on identification of the function of problem behavior and goals and needs of a student 9

10 Functions Pos Reinf Neg Reinf


12 Steps for Conducting a FA-BIP Process
Define the behavior Gather Information ( when, where, what, who and intensity) a. antecedent b. setting event Generate a hypothesis statement. Adapted from Crone, D.A. and Horner,R.H., 2003 12

13 Guess and Check: Teacher – Guided FBA
Student: _______________Grade: _________ Teacher: ______________ Date:___________ What is ONE problem behavior – what does it look like, sound like, what does the student say or do (observable)? ________________________________________________________________________________

14 Record the student’s schedule and indicate the likelihood of the problem.
Activity Who is present Likelihood of problem low high

15 Take a guess. Why is the student exhibiting this behavior?
___ Obtain attention from__________ ___ Avoid attention from___________ ___Obtain this activity/items_________ ___ Avoid this activity/items__________

16 Systems for Second Tier
Having a well functioning SSIT is important in the system work


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