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Vocabulary Words American Literature

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Words American Literature"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Words American Literature
Week #4

2 Adversity

3 Adversity Definition: (n) a state of misfortune or affliction
Synonym: hardship, difficulty, obstacle Antonym: pleasure, benefit, freedom

4 Brazen

5 Brazen Definition: (adj) unrestrained by convention or propriety; rude
Synonym: bold, shameless, blatant Antonym: discreet, subtle, restrained

6 Clairvoyant

7 Clairvoyant Definition: (n/adj) someone who claims to have knowledge of the future Synonym: psychic, mind-reader, medium Antonym: oblivious

8 Demagogue

9 Demagogue Definition: (n) political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions and prejudices Synonym: crowd-pleaser, instigator Antonym: moderate, common sense

10 Emulate

11 Emulate Definition: (v) to strive to equal to or match by imitating
Synonym: copy, mimic Antonym: differ, oppose, clash

12 Foster

13 Foster Definition: (v) to promote the growth of
Synonym: nurture, cultivate, advance Antonym: discourage, deter, keep back

14 Intrepid

15 Intrepid Definition: (adj) invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Synonym: bold, courageous, daring Antonym: cowardly, weak, faint-hearted

16 Ostentatious

17 Ostentatious Definition: (adj) intended to attract notice or impress others Synonym: flashy, flamboyant, pretentious Antonym: ordinary, humble, plain

18 Parched

19 Parched Definition: (adj) dried out by heat or excessive exposure to the sun Synonym: dehydrated, thirsty Antonym: refreshed, restored

20 Substantiate

21 Substantiate Definition: (v) establish or strengthen with evidence or facts Synonym: support, validate Antonym: disprove, refute

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