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RPS Unit #1 English 9.

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Presentation on theme: "RPS Unit #1 English 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 RPS Unit #1 English 9

2 Abundance: Having more than enough, an over sufficient amount or supply.

3 Acceptance: The act of being received or approved.

4 Diligence: constant effort to accomplish a goal.

5 Inference: The act of coming to a logical conclusion.

6 Maintenance: caring or up keeping.

7 Accuracy: The quality of being correct, precise, or exact.

8 Conspiracy: The act of creating an evil or manipulative plan or plot

9 Deficiency: the state of being incomplete, or lacking.

10 Urgency: The state of being required or quickly or immediately needed

11 Controversy: a debate, dispute, or argument

12 Co: together or with, joint
Prefixes Co: together or with, joint De: Down or remove

13 Suffixes Ance/ence: state or quality of
cy/sy:state of being, made up of, characterized

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