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Looking Inside Cells Ch. 1, Sect 2 Page 16 – 24.

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1 Looking Inside Cells Ch. 1, Sect 2 Page 16 – 24

2 Looking Inside Cells a. __ORGANELLES__ tiny cell structures, which carry out specific __FUNCTIONS__ within the cell. Brain Pop: Cell Structure (2:13)

3 Enter the Cell 1. Cell Wall a. __CELL WALL__ is a rigid layer of __NONLIVING__ material that surrounds the cells of __PLANTS__ and some other organisms. b. __ANIMALS__ do __NOT__ have cell walls c. A plant’s cell wall helps to __PROTECT__ and __SUPPORT__ the cell. d. The __CELL WALL__ is made of a strong material called __CELLULOSE__

4 2. Cell Membrane a. The __CELL MEMEBRANE__ controls what substances come into and out of a cell. b. The Cell Membrane __PREVENTS__ harmful materials from entering the cell.

5 II. Sail on to the Nucleus
a. The __NUCLEUS__ acts as the brain of the cell. b. The Nucleus is the cell’s __CONTROL__ center, directing all of the cell’s activities.

6 III. Organelles in the Cytoplasm
a. The __CYTOPLASM__ is the region __BETWEEN__ the cell membrane and the nucleus. b. Cytoplasm is a __CLEAR__, __THICK__, __GEL-LIKE FLUID__. c. The Cytoplasm is __CONSTANTLY__ moving.

7 Organelles 1. Mitochondria
a. __MITOCHONDRIA__ are known as the __POWERHOUSE__ of the cell because they __CONVERT__ energy in food molecules to __ENERGY__ the cell can use to carry out its functions. 2. Endoplasmic Reticulum a. The __ENDOPLAMSIC RETICULUM’S__ passageways carry proteins and other materials from one part of the cell to another. Brain Pop: Cells (3:16)

8 Organelles Cont. 3. Ribosome a. Attached to the __ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM__ are small, grain like bodies called __RIBOSOMES__ b. __RIBOSOMES__ functions as factories to __PRODUCE__ __PROTEINS__ 4. Golgi Bodies a. __GOLGI BODIES__ can be looked at as a __MAILROOM__ b. Golgi Bodies __RECEIVE__ proteins and other newly formed materials and __DISTRIBUTES__ them to other parts of the cell.

9 Organelles Cont. 5. Chloroplasts.
a. Only the cells of __PLANTS__ and some other organisms have green organelles called __CHLOROPLASTS__ b. __CHLOROPLASTS__ captures energy from __SUNLIGHT__ and use it to __PRODUCE__ food for the cell. 6. Vacuoles a. __VACUOLES__ are the __STORAGE__ areas of cells. b. __PLANTS__ have large __VACUOLES__, animals could have __SMALL__ vacuoles. c. Vacuoles __STORE__ food and waste.

10 7. Lysosomes a. __LYSOSOMES__ are small, round structures containing __CHEMICALS__ that break down certain materials in the cell. b. Lysosomes is the __CLEANUP__ crew of the cell.

11 IV. Specialized Cells a. In many-celled __ORGANISMS__, __CELLS__ are often organized into __TISSUES__, __ORGANS__, and __ORGAN SYSTEMS__. V. Bacterial Cells a. __BACTERIAL__ cells are usually much __SMALLER__ than plant or animal cells. b. Bacterial cells do contain __CELL WALLS__ and __CELL MEMBRANE__, it does not contain a __NUCLEUS__. c. The __BACTERIAL__ cell’s genetic material, which looks like a thick, tangled string, is found in the __CYTOPLASM__. Brain Pop: Cell Specializations (2:01)

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