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Gender Inequality.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Inequality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Inequality

2 Sexism Prejudice based upon sex or gender groups.
Typically taught as male to female but in fact goes all directions.

3 Sexism in your life… What are some sexist beliefs that you have heard from peers, teachers, parents, neighbors, etc? What types of policies do institutions (schools, banks, government, etc.) have that promote sexism?

4 Common Types of Sexism Physical Appearance:
Women should be thin and graceful Men should be broad-shouldered and strong Personality: Men are self-confident and aggressive. Women are passive and manipulative.

5 Common Types of Sexism Occupations:
Men are doctors, soldiers, construction workers. Women are nurses, teachers, secretaries. Domestic Behaviors: Women care for children and clean. Men do yard work, repair appliances, kill spiders.

6 ASSIGNMENT: Gender Inequality Icebergs
In table groups, complete icebergs. Five collections of data in total. What are the surface observations? What underlying reasons for prejudice/inequality?

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