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San Andres Fault The two plates that created the San Andreas Fault are the North American and Pacific Plates. The type of plate movement that created.

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Presentation on theme: "San Andres Fault The two plates that created the San Andreas Fault are the North American and Pacific Plates. The type of plate movement that created."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Andres Fault The two plates that created the San Andreas Fault are the North American and Pacific Plates. The type of plate movement that created this fault is a transform boundary.


3 Mid Atlantic Ridge The two tectonic plates that created the Mid Atlantic Ridge are the North American and Eurasian Plates. The type of plate movement that created this ridge is a divergent boundary.

4 A convergent plate movement created these mountains.
The Eurasian and the Indo-Australian plate created this mountain range. Himalayan Mountains


6 Convergent Boundary/Subduction Zone
The oceanic plate dives below the continental plate. The plate melts back into the mantle and creates a hot spot. The hot mantle rises up through the crust and creates volcanoes. (Mt. St. Helens) Hot Spot

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