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Guiding Question How did Western ideas influence the reign of Peter the Great in Russia? To what extent did Russia westernize? (shallow or fully embraced)

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Presentation on theme: "Guiding Question How did Western ideas influence the reign of Peter the Great in Russia? To what extent did Russia westernize? (shallow or fully embraced)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guiding Question How did Western ideas influence the reign of Peter the Great in Russia? To what extent did Russia westernize? (shallow or fully embraced)

2 Russia: From Fledgling Principality to Major Power
Moscow – Grand Dukes Ivan IV the Terrible (1533 – 1584) First Tsar – elevated position Romanov Dynasty (1613 – 1917) Stratified Society Tsar – Divine Right Landed Aristocrats – Lots of Land, not enough peeps Peasants and Townspeople - restrictions on movement

3 Peter the Great. Peter the Great wished to westernize Russia, especially in the realm of technical skills. His foremost goal was the creation of a strong army and navy in order to make Russia a great power. Jean Marc Nattier, a French artist, painted this portrait of the armored tsar in 1717. p. 464

4 The Reign of Peter the Great (1689 – 1725)
Visits the West (1697 – 1698) – spent time as youth in “German Quarter” hearing of new technologies in the West Reorganizes armed forces Reorganizes central government Divides Russia into provinces Seeks control of the Russian Church dismisses patriarch, introduces Holy Synod. Head of Holy Synod is procurator, a layman loyal to Czar Introduces Western Customs Book of Etiquettes – don’t scratch yourself or spit on floors Barbers at the gates would forcefully cut men’s beards and their long coats.

5 The Reign of Peter the Great (1689 – 1725)
Positive Impact of Reforms on Women Married freely / Removal of veils “Open a window to the West” Seeking a Warm Water Coast Attacks Sweden Battle of Narva (1700) – 8000 Swedish defeat 40000 Great Northern War (1701 – 1721) Battle of Poltava (1709) Peter reorganizes army & wins Peace of Nystadt (1721) Russia gains control of Estonia, Livonia and Karelia St. Petersburg – Baltic Coast near swampy River Neva Many peasants died draining the swamps

6 Peter The Great: Summing Up
Makes Russia one of the 5 major powers Chiefly through creation of standing Army & Navy Expanding Borders Westernization technical and shallow Puts off Russians from Western Ideas because of his forceful tactics Westernizes military & Elite ways of Life Peasantry goes backwards cemented in Serfdom! Increases power of Nobles over land Restricts movement of peasants

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