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Texas A&M University-Kingsville Office of Planning and Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas A&M University-Kingsville Office of Planning and Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas A&M University-Kingsville Office of Planning and Assessment

2 It has been said that there are three kinds of organizations: Those that make things happen Those that watch things happen Those that wonder what happened

3 Reporting UnitsDue DatesReport Recipients Academic DepartmentsNovember 6, 2013Dean and *CAP Support or Service UnitsNovember 6, 2013AVP and *CAP CollegesDecember 6, 2013Provost and *CAP AVPsDecember 6, 2013Vice President and *CAP Vice PresidentsFebruary 4, 2014President and *CAP

4 Only one change to align with TAMUKs strategic plan. Wording Goals are now Imperatives

5 It contains 4 parts: I. Executive Summary A brief synopsis of accomplishments from AY 2012-13 and changes and/or planning activities for AY 2013-14 Changes to revised I.E. Plan for AY 2014-15 II. Resource Requests A prioritized listing of specific near-term resource requests for AY 2014-15 and long-term resource requests for AY 2015-16 and 2016-17

6 III. Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness Report I.E. Plan in effect for AY 2012-2013. Assessment results must show data or evidence to affirm the reason why an objective was met or not met. IV. Revised I.E. Plan Revised plan for AY 2014-15

7 Start with Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness Report Collect data based on assessment measures IMPORTANT: Make sure you are using the Revised I.E. Plan submitted with your 2010-11 I.E. Report Make sure your data answers your assessment measure. Changes to the plan must be highlighted in the Executive Summary.

8 Resource requests must be based on 2012-13 and prior years assessment results. Do not make requests for this year (2013-14), the budget is already set.

9 Results and analysis for 2012-13 Changes for 2013-14, 2014-15 Revised I.E. Plan for 2014-15 Resource requests for 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17.


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