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Sammy Fugler | May 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Sammy Fugler | May 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sammy Fugler | May 2017

2 Wayfinding elements A typography of wayfinding elements, adapted from Chapter 2: A Brief History of Wayfinding in Morville, P. (2005), Ambient Findability: What We Find Changes Who We Become, O’Reilly Media

3 Paths Edges Landmarks Nodes The streets Walkways Transit lines Canals
Railroads Edges The walls Shores Fences Barriers Boundaries Landmarks Towering buildings Golden domes Mountains Signs Storefronts Trees Nodes Intersections Enclosed squares Street corners Subway stations

4 Wayfinding guidelines
Chunk content Establish visual character  Integrate Orientation Cues Provide Intentional Pathways Weight Information Offer Progress Tracking Adapted from

5 Course design navigation Adapt from ideas set out in 7 Best Practices For eLearning Course Navigation; By Anand Timothy, January 30, 2016, e-learning [accessed 4/5/17]

6 Wayfinding as good design
Clear navigation buttons/processes Short clear titles and labels Icons that are relevant to context Consistent placement of navigation and course elements Properly tested (no broken links) Simulate technology tools and styles that are already familiar Adapted from

7 Guidelines based on positive design aspects that aid navigation and wayfinding Minocha, Shailey and Hardy, Christopher (2016). Navigation and wayfinding in learning spaces in 3D virtual worlds. In: Gregory, Sue; Lee, Mark J. W.; Dalgarno, Barney and Tynan, Belinda eds. Learning in Virtual Worlds: Research and Applications. Part of the ”Issues in Distance Education” series (Series Editor: Terry Anderson, Athabasca University, Canada). Athabasca University Press, pp. 3–41.



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