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Plans for 10th Annual Workshop & Celebration

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1 Plans for 10th Annual Workshop & Celebration
Bill Collins National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado

2 Venue and Timing Time slot: June 21-23, 2005 Locale: Breckenridge
No conflicts with AGU, AMS, or EGS meetings No conflicts with Gordon Conferences Locale: Breckenridge Thanks to Jay, cost = cost of meeting local to Boulder. Our preferred conference site knows our needs.

3 Theme: Crosscutting Science using CCSM
Topics: IPCC Paleoclimate and Abrupt Climate Change Challenges of Building an Earth System Model Revamped meeting schedule: Short WG meetings focused on WG business More discussion in plenary Return of the “wrap-up” session Formal poster session Celebration of the 10th anniversary: Overview of progress and challenges from CSM1CCSM3 Special event to commemorate anniversary

4 Proposed Schedule for the Meeting

5 Other highlights Discussion of proposed biases workshop
First meeting of chemistry working group? ASP conference on integrative Earth system modeling (after conference)

6 Possible Topics for Future Meetings
2006: Coupled chemistry-climate First results from 1st generation C3SM Findings with new BGC models Aerosol-climate interactions, etc 2007: IPCC Overview of the IPCC AR4 Major uncertainties highlighted by AR4 Experimental design for the AR5 Interactions with RCM work, WGs 2 and 3.

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