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Mrs. Ayana Fuentes Reading 6th grade

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1 Mrs. Ayana Fuentes Reading 6th grade
Welcome Back to School! Mrs. Ayana Fuentes Reading 6th grade

2 Contact Information Mrs. Ayana Fuentes 1661 Galleria Drive Henderson, NV 89014

3 Student Expectations Students are expected to exhibit respect, responsibility, and reliability at all times. Homework will be given 2-3 nights a week and are 20% of the overall grade. Students are to be respectful, strive to be positive, follow directions, and show responsibility in 6th grade. Students should make every effort to complete work on time.

4 Parent Expectations Please refer to my website for any information regarding your child’s class and events or please me Conferences are available at a scheduled time before or after school. All students are expected to attend class every day unless ill, injured, or completed and submitted a CCSD Pre-arranged absence form. If you would like to volunteer, please indicate this on the sign-in sheet.

5 Teacher Expectations I will provide instruction in non-fiction reading text, writing, speaking and listening, and language as identified by the Nevada Academic Content Standards. I will collaborate with Mrs. Scalzi as she will focus on the fiction literature (novels). I will use a variety of sources for non-fiction text so students may become comfortable closely reading, annotating, and comprehending what the text says. I will have students demonstrate their understanding with verbal and written explanations.

6 Progress Reports 1st quarter progress report – 9/24/15
2nd quarter progress report – 12/4/15 3rd quarter progress report – 2/19/16 4th quarter progress report – 5/5/16 See pg. 18 in student planner to sign that you have been informed of student progress

7 Discipline Procedures
If a student chooses not to follow the class or school rules, I will verbally remind them of the rules and procedures. Consequences Second time: teacher writes a Student Incident Report (SIR) and calls home Third time: teacher writes a SIR, calls home, student fills out a behavior reflection, and possible detention. Fourth time: teacher writes a SIR, calls home, and sends a counselor referral Fifth time: teacher writes an Infinite Campus referral, sends the SIR forms to Dean’s Office.

8 Supplies Every day students need Pencil Reading/English notebook

9 Other Important Information
Please see my website and future memos for information on upcoming special events. 3rd lunch at 12:33pm-1:03pm Absences/Tardies – see pg. 8/9 in student planner Dress Code – see pg. 11 in student planner

10 Let’s work together to have a great school year!

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