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The Reign of Terror.

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1 The Reign of Terror

2 National Assembly (1789) Legislative Assembly (1791) War with Austria & Prussia (1792) Radical Execute King & declare Republic (1793) National Convention The Reign of Terror Begins

3 National Convention France is a Republic with no real Government
Different factions fight for POWER

4 Jacobins Most radical of reformers in France
They sentence Louis XVI to death January 1793 he is executed

5 Maximilien Robespierre
Assumes leadership of Jacobins Sought to create a “Republic of Virtue” Slowly gained power

6 Committee of Public Safety
Decided who was PUBLIC ENEMY July 1793-July 1794 Robespierre becomes a virtual dictator Execute anyone who is viewed as a threat!!

7 Reign of Terror 1-Year in Length 3,000 executed in Paris
July 1793-July 1794 3,000 executed in Paris Marie Antoinette executed Up to 40,000 total


9 Marie Antoinette’s Last Words?

10 The Directory July 1794 Robespierre executed
People are tired of the Terror National Assembly forms a new body called The Directory This body puts Napoleon in charge of the Army

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