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EESC - Europe 2020 steering committee’s 9th meeting

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1 EESC - Europe 2020 steering committee’s 9th meeting
Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform EESC - Europe 2020 steering committee’s 9th meeting room JDE 63 Wednesday, 6 June 2012

2 The Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform
The Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform is a network of more than 150 local and regional authorities and an electronic platform at the same time. It aims to assess the EUROPE 2020 Strategy from the point of view of EU Regions and Cities. Its political coordinators Ms Christine Chapman (UK/PES) and Mr Nichi Vendola (IT/PES). Tools and activities: 1) Events (e.g. Territorial Dialogue) in which EU 2020MP members can debate with representatives of the EU institutions, external observers and experts 2) Questionnaires and surveys, to collect information on ongoing developments at the territorial level as well the Platform members' views on the policy's implementation best practises. 3) Monitoring Reports addressed to the CoR, the other EU institutions and bodies, the local and regional authorities and the general public. 4) Thematic initiatives focusing on priority and emerging EUROPE2020-related issues with a view to feed into the activity of the CoR Commissions 5) Website 2

3 Renewal of the Rolling Programme: Key objectives
Support the priority set by the new CoR Presidency for Europe 2020, by monitoring: overall progress of the Europe 2020 agenda (impact of the crisis) Europe 2020 policy cycle (LRAs involvement) Flagships (as a whole or specific measures) Focus and deepen the Platform’s coverage: in terms of membership of the platform leadership of the platform expanding the statistical base Improve quality of services and reward to members: restyling of the website improving communication closer involvement in the strategic planning and communication of the CoR 3

4 The EU 2020 MP and the Europe 2020 Policy cycle
Membres Le nombre de membres par pays est déterminé par le Traité sur l’Union européenne. La répartition des membres par État membre suit le même principe que celui observé pour la répartition des députés au Parlement européen ou pour le nombre de voix (majorité qualifiée) au sein du Conseil. 4

5 State of play: survey closed and ongoing
European Union Programme for Social Change and Innovation Launched 10 November 2012 Deadline 19 December 2012 Results fed into Mr Rossi Opinion and will fed into 3rd CoR Monitoring report 24 contributions received Report available SME-friendly Regions and Cities  Launched 03 March 2012 Closed 23 April 2012 Results will feed into Mr Krochmal, opinion on Competitiveness of Enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises and 3rd CoR Monitoring report 41 contribution received Draft Report available (forwared to Rapporteur) Final Version to be available in 2nd half of May LRAs contribution’s to the Europe 2020 NRP: Survey of CoR National Delegations Launched 23 March 2012 Deadline 13 April → Meeting with SG to discuss the summary before end of May Results will published into 3rd CoR Monitoring report 17 contributions received Ongoing: The new Common Strategic Framework 2014 to 2020  Launched 27 April 2012 Deadline 28 May 2012 Results will feed into Mr Woźniak, opinion on the New Common Strategic Framework 2014 to 2020 and 3rd CoR Monitoring report Report will be available for COTER Commission meeting 2nd July Europe 2020: what's happening on the ground? 2012 Edition Launched 27 April Deadline 13 June Results will be analysed into the 3rd CoR Monitoring report 5

6 State of play: Survey to be launched
Surveys to be launched soon: Survey on Resource Efficiency/Biodiversity and green growth and jobs To be launched at Beginning of July 2012 Deadline End of August Results to be discussed and presented ENVE external conference on 21 September on "Promoting synergies between regional development and protection of biodiversity", in Pescara, Italy. Results to be included in the 3rd CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020 Quick Survey on ERA + researchers from third countries To be launched at Beginning of September Deadline End of November The ERA communication is expected for mid 2012 As ERA, it is presumed the CoR would like to issue an Opinion. In case it does not, the survey will be launched on a different topic. Results to be included in the 4th CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020 Territorial Dialogue 2012 The Territorial Dialogue represents a milestone in the Committee of the Regions' contribution to the European Semester. Since 2006, this conference has provided regional and local authorities with an opportunity to engage in a dialogue on the implementation of the Strategy with top representatives of the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament. This year, policies targeting SMEs and youth employment will be high on the agenda of the 7th Territorial Dialogue on 13 June It will also review the state of play of Europe 2020 on the basis of the newly submitted National Reform Programmes.   6

7 State of play: Other activities
Delivering on the Europe 2020 Strategy. Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities The Committee of the Regions drew up in collaboration with the Commission a handbook on the Europe 2020 strategy for cities and regions. The document aims to provide clear explanations on how local and regional authorities can contribute to the implementation of the strategy. It presents examples of good practice collected through the surveys conducted by the Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform or existing databases of good practices managed by the European Commission. Publication date: 13 June 2012 at the Territorial Dialogue To be available on the website 7

8 Outcome of the Survey of the CoR National Delegations
LRAs contribution’s to the Europe 2020 NRP: Survey of CoR National Delegations Launched 23 March 2012 Deadline 13 April → Results presented at the 7th Territorial Dialogue and published in the 3rd CoR Monitoring report 18 contributions received Missing contributions: DE, EE, ES, HU, PT, SI, SK BE and UK sent a written contribution but not filled in the questionnaires 8

9 Involvement of LRAs : Preliminary conclusions
Comparison 2011 Final stage participation. Stage of participation slightly changed in comparison to the previous year – In 2011 most LRAs involvement in consultation process was taken place at the intermediary stage of preparing NRP. This year the majority of local authorities started participation at the final moment. Permanent technical group. The form of local authorities' participation changed in reference to Most of the countries still express their views and opinions by submitting written documents but half of contributors share their opinions and positions by participating in permanent technical groups. Overall conclusions 2012 Although most countries stated that they do not see a change in LRAs involvement in drafting and implementing NRP, 5 countries (Austria, France, Latvia, the Netherlands, Sweden) admitted the that there has been a positive change. On the other hand in Ireland, Finland and Malta there has been less LRAs involvement in the process. The lack of monitoring system regarding NRP in partnership with LRAs – 11 countries admitted not having one. Little engagement in building multilevel governance tools (contractual, i.e. Territorial Pacts) – in 10 MSs those tools haven't been adopted 9


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