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Highest Quality Natural Ingredients Through Advanced Technology

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1 Highest Quality Natural Ingredients Through Advanced Technology
Botanic Elements Highest Quality Natural Ingredients Through Advanced Technology Botanic Elements

2 Botanic Elements' Beginning
Botanic Elements was started in 2016 when the founders recognized the tremendous potential for the unsurpassed quality Sacha Inchi products developed utilizing their proprietary technologies, and realized there was a looming shortage in the worldwide supply of Sacha Inchi. Botanic Elements

3 Nursery/Farms Botanic Elements' foundation is our guaranteed supply of key raw materials through contract growing. Our own Nursery produces Sacha Inchi seedlings for our own farms, and other farms that contract grow exclusively for us. This assures the quantity and quality of the raw materials crucial to our success. Botanic Elements

4 Nursery Botanic Elements

5 Farm Botanic Elements

6 Factory Botanic Elements' state-of-the-art factory in Thailand is like no other factory in the world processing Sacha Inchi products. We operate under the most strict Thailand Department of Industry and FDA standards and certifications, and utilize proprietary technologies far more advanced than any competitor. Botanic Elements

7 Factory Botanic Elements

8 Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis)
Also known as the “Inca peanut”, it has been part of the diet of Amazonian forest natives for thousands of years. Called the ultimate super nut because of their high content of essential omega-3 oil (25 %) and protein (30 %). Botanic Elements

9 Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis)
A mere 3 grams of Sacha Inchi oil provides the Daily Recommended Allowance of Omega-3 fatty acids. Also high in Vitamin A (carotenoids), Vitamin E (tocopherols), potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phytosterols, saponins, and phenolic compounds. Botanic Elements

10 Product Fatty Acids (percent of fat/oil)
Botanic Elements

11 Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis)
Health benefits include: * reduced memory loss & increased mental health and cognitive & neurological function * reduced heart disease & increased heart health * reduced inflammation & joint pain * reduced stress, depression, and insomnia * reduced hypertension & some forms of cancer * reduced diabetes and obesity Botanic Elements

12 The Problem Omega-3 oils are inherently much more susceptible to oxidative rancidity than any other oils. It is common for them to go completely rancid within a month. Lipid oxidation not only destroys the omega- 3 oils and thus their health benefits & nutritional properties, it also creates free radicals, hydroperoxides, aldehydes, etc. that destroy the vitamins, phenolic compounds, phytosterols, etc., and make the oil toxic. The result is oil with no health benefits that tastes horrible and is toxic. Botanic Elements

13 The Solution There are many factors that influence lipid oxidation including the composition of the oil, temperature, surface area, radiant energy, and the quality of the raw material. Important variables in the composition of the oil include the fatty acid composition, free fatty acid level, oxygen concentration, moisture level, microbial contamination, and the concentration of numerous compounds that act as pro-oxidants as well as antioxidants. Our proprietary technologies utilize numerous approaches to address the many factors that influence lipid oxidation. Botanic Elements

14 Oxidative Stability Index (hours @ 110 °C) of various oils
Botanic Elements

15 Quality The quality of our products is unique. Competitive products’ flavor, nutritional value, health benefits, and shelf-life don’t even come close. Most competitive products are so rancid they are not just unpalatable, they are toxic. Our unparalleled commitment to quality is the reason we grow our own Sacha Inchi, and why we developed our proprietary processing technologies. Botanic Elements

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