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CMC-South Leadership Conference October 24, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "CMC-South Leadership Conference October 24, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 CMC-South Leadership Conference October 24, 2014 Implementing common core mathematics Successes & Challenges in Rialto Unified School District

2 Timeline of implementation
Professional Development PD Staff Administrators Parents Setting the Stage Adoption Leverage of Funding Role of Technology Assessment Transition Implementation Ongoing Support Implementation and Beyond

3 2010-2012: Setting the stage Funding Billing/ Categorical SMPs
Building a Professional Development Model SMPs Accountable Talk DOK in Math Professional Development Administrators Teachers Parents Building a Common Understanding Building Common Understanding Administrators Teachers BTSA DOK Student Engagement Parent Introduction DADs Night Parent University Parent Summit

4 2012-2013: The Transition, a Slow Beginning
Informing the School Board Sustaining a PD Model Supplementing Textbooks (K-2)

5 2013-2014: Transition continues
Students & Parents LCAP Integrated Math Professional Development Textbooks Assessments Technology MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME : Transition continues

6 2014-2015: Implementation Successes and challenges
Professional Development Rethinking Assessment Technology Integration

7 2015-2016: Looking Beyond implementation
LCAP Plan Analysis Professional Learning Administrators Teachers Community Sequencing &Assessment Pacing Smarter Balanced Technology Infrastructure Access

8 Questions

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