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DO NOW Why is protest literature a good way to persuade an audience?

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1 DO NOW Why is protest literature a good way to persuade an audience?
Protest Literature – any text that uses implicit/explicit language to critique society, but also offers a solution to the problem Must induce empathy, provide some sort of shock value, and provide some sort of symbolic action

2 Frederick Douglass Born a slave ca. 1818 Escaped at age 20
Abolitionist, social reformer, orator, writer, statesman Learned alphabet from slave owner’s wife

3 What to the Negro is the 4th of July
Speech was given on July 5th, 1852 July 4th had been on a Sunday Many African Americans began celebrating July 5th in opposition to the 4th of July Given to an anti-slavery group – mostly pacifists and woman 2 hour long speech – originally a speech, but will become a pamphlet 3 parts to his speech Part 1 – puts audience at ease  points out the good and bad of the past Part 2 – calls out hypocrisy of audience and America  points out the problems and horrors of the present Part 3 – offers audience and America redemption  points to a more hopeful future

4 Evince – to show a feeling clearly
Exordium – an opening section of a lecture Hastily – done in a hurry Consolation – source of comfort Inundate – overwhelm Serenely – calm and untroubled Denunciations – public accusation of someone Impudence – shamelessness Solemnity – having or showing the sincere nature of something Bombast – language that is full of pretentious words used to impress others Impiety – lack of religious respect Palpable – so intense as to be almost felt physically

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