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Welcome to St Joseph’s Primary School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to St Joseph’s Primary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to St Joseph’s Primary School
Open Night Tuesday 4 December 2018

2 ‘Being the best that we can be’
St. Joseph’s Primary School Founded by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary Enrolment = 395 Admissions number = 56 14 classes 2 Learning Support Teachers Literacy Numeracy Creative Voices Happy learning environment A school at the heart of its local community ‘Being the best that we can be’

3 Surround ourselves with a happy, secure learning environment for all.
Mission Statement Surround ourselves with a happy, secure learning environment for all. Join together the home, the school and the wider community. Promote academic and cultural excellence. Support and provide for everyone’s individuality.

4 What’s in your pack? Prospectus Primary 1 Newsletter
December Newssheet Cool Kids Information Admissions Criteria Digital Application Information

5 What makes St. Joseph’s different?
A school in the heart of the community… Linen Centre Island Arts Centre The River Lagan Wallace Park Wallace Park Tennis Dome Castle Gardens Lisburn Racquets’ Club Leisureplex Lisburn Library Amazing variety of extra curricular activities… Miniversity, Monkeynastix, Labrats, Dance, Speech and Drama, Children’s Music Academy, Coding, Netball, Football, Gaelic, Hurling, Choir, Folk Group, Cookery, Art Club Cool Kids: Wraparound Care…. 8am – 9am 2pm – 5.30pm July & August

6 The little extras……. Buddies Eco Council Pupil Council Digital Leaders
Learning Leaders Creative Voices Sustrans Digital investment: IWB in every classroom, 6 iPads per class Links with local post-primary schools Shared Education Project with Harmony Hill Primary School Parent Workshops

7 Opportunities….. Sporting The Arts Handball training and team
Netball training and team Soccer training and team  Gaelic Football and team Camogie/Hurling Olympic Handball  Swimming gala and lessons. The Arts Guitar for P6 and P7 Violin, clarinet, tin whistle and flute Junior Choir Senior Choir P7 show in the Island Hall  Annual Christmas Concert in the Island Hall The opportunity to work with a leading industry choreographer in P5 and P7 Pottery lessons in a pottery studio

8 Pupil Voice Pupil Council Eco-Council Learning Leaders Digital Leaders

9 Awards and Accreditations

10 Our Academic Record Outstanding standards of academic achievement
GL Assessment Feb 2018 75% of pupils achieved Grades A & B AQE Feb 2 018: 62% of pupils achieved Bands 1 and 2 September 2018 82% of pupils transferred to a Grammar school: Rathmore, Friends, Wallace, Hunterhouse, Victoria, Methody, Inst, Assumption, St. Mary’s Aquinas

11 ETI Report February 2018 Extremely positive inspection in February 2018 Leadership team and coordinators delivering high quality strategic leadership Positive ethos within the school All lessons observed were effective or highly effective Children all very engaged in lessons…developing a wide range of thinking skills and personal capabilities Differentiation…in the planning and in the delivery…children’s learning adapted to meet their needs Innovative ways of working with classroom assistants Positive culture throughout the school …open to change Wide range of Continual Professional Development available to staff

12 Criteria for selection
Children of compulsory school age who:- Have a brother or sister, half brother/half sister, step brother/step sister, enrolled in St Joseph’s P.S and indicate this on the application form. Have had a brother or sister, half brother/half sister, step brother/step sister, enrolled in St Joseph’s P.S and indicate this on the application form. Are children of the current (2018/19) permanent employees of the school and indicate this on the application form. Who are the eldest or only child in the family and reside in the Parish of Blaris Reside in the Parish of Blaris Reside outside the Parish of Blaris.

13 Sub-Criteria for over subscription
In the event of being over-subscribed in any of the above categories, the following sub- criteria will be applied: Children will be admitted on the basis of the initial letter of their surname as written on their birth certificate in the order set out below: G D S Mac N M A V Mc H P Z U E B L C K W Q I R T F X J O Y In the event of surnames beginning with the same initial letter, as outlined above, the subsequent letters of the surname will be used in strict alphabetical order. In the event of two identical surnames, the alphabetical order of the initials of the forenames will be used.

14 The Application Process
Select choice of schools Apply online: Online application portal opens Wednesday 2 January 2019 at 10am and closes Thursday 31 January at 12 midnight Birth Certificate and proof of address to first choice primary school before Friday 8 February 2019 Thursday 9 May 2019: Letters issued by the school for which your child is accepted June 2019: Open Afternoon and Induction Evening for you and your child

15 Digital Admissions Workshops
Tuesday 8 January pm – 6.30pm Wednesday 9 January am – 11am We will be available to help you complete the online application here in school. Bring along your child’s birth certificate and proof of address and we will copy.

16 A day in the life of Primary 1……

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