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K124 BPH Thermal Protection of Buildings
Zbyněk Svoboda K124, A529
Building Physics General parts: building acoustics natural lighting
thermal protection of buildings General goals: to create optimal internal environment with low external environmental impacts to secure long-time durability of buildings
Building Physics BPH Used symbols: additional information
important information necessary for exam information for self-learning definitions
Energy performance of buildings
Energy performance of buildings
EU 2004 USA 2007 One of important contemporary issues. Energy use in buildings makes up to 40 % from total energy use in industrial countries. Building industry: large savings are possible, solutions exist, realization can be immediate.
Energy performance of buildings
Specific energy need for heating „Zero-energy building“: under 5 kWh/m2 „Energy plus building”: under 0 kWh/m2 : net production of energy Building industry: large savings are possible, solutions exist, realization can be immediate.
Energy performance of buildings
Low-energy buildings
Low-energy buildings controversial in the past, a kind of fashion today, normal standard in the future without any considerable restriction for architecture design
Low-energy buildings Condition: well-thought-out project!
realistic… or sophisticated solution The first passive office building in Czechia Ostrava (arch. R. Václavík)
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
building must be designed as a complex with specialists from the beginning minimalisation of energy consumption (heating/cooling) by means of building design: insulations above standard perfect details perfect realisation air-tightness
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
using of zones (eg. unheated spaces towards North) considering orientation and location of building
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
using of zones (eg. unheated spaces towards North) considering orientation and location of building Window energy balance (A=1,5 m2): U = 1,1 m2K/W & g = 0,5 optimum for heating mode: low U-value, high g-value for cooling mode: shading necessary!
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
well-thought-out HVAC design: efficient heat sources efficient lighting and appliances regulation! usage of renewable sources of energy (collectors, heat pumps, ground heat exchangers…) everything must be connected and operation modes must be carefully designed
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
usage of already presented energy (heat recovery, gains)
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
usage of already presented energy (heat recovery, gains) e.g. Trombe walls
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
usage of energy accumulation within building Heavy weight constructions optimal for heat accumulation Partitions from unburned clay bricks in timber houses Accumulation of heat from solar collector to the soil (gravel bed)
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
usage of recycled and natural materials unburned clay paper wood sheep wool straw cork
Low-energy buildings Strategies of solution:
energy production in buildings PV systems cogeneration
Energy performance of buildings
EC: support of low-e building by means of legislation, demonstrative and pilot projects and structural funds. EPBD I and II: European directives about EPofB National directives and laws: law no. 318/2012 Sb. and directive no. 78/2013 Sb. Other documents: ČSN TNI TNI
Principles of calculation
Energy performance of buildings Principles of calculation
Principles of EPB calculation
Basic calculation principles for heat transfer in buildings Newton law (law of cooling) heat loss of solid area temp. difference surface - air Published 1701 (Newton is a member of Parliament for 2nd time. Not very active.) History context Beg. 18. cent.: all materials have the same conductivity. Temperature differences are caused by different thermal capacity. 1777: discovery of radiative heat transfer (C. W. Scheele) : first measurements of thermal conductivity. I. Newton according to W. Blake
Definitions Heat transfer coefficient [W/(m2K)]
Ratio coefficient between heat flow density and temperature difference, which causes the heat flow. It specifies how much heat in W is transferred from surface of 1 m2 to ambient fluid (e.g. air) or in opposite direction when temperature difference between surface and fluid is 1 K. Very unstable quantity, depends on air velocity, shape and size of construction, temperature… Exact values are measured. More empiric equations exist. heat flow density It consists of two parts: Definition – not usable in practical calculations. More usable equations in following lectures. convection heat transfer coefficient: radiation Usage: in the cases of heat transfer between solid body and fluid Typical values hi = 8 W/(m2K) (internal surface of walls), he = 25 W/(m2K) (external surface of walls).
Definitions Surface thermal resistance [m2K/W]
Inverse value to heat transfer coefficient : Usage: in the cases of heat transfer between solid body and fluid Typical values Rsi = 0,13 m2K/W (internal surface of walls), Rse = 0,04 m2K/W (external surface of walls). Thermal transmittance, U-value [W/(m2K)] Basic property expressing thermal insulation quality of construction. It specifies how much heat in W is transferred through construction of 1 m2 (orthogonally to surface) when temperature difference between interior and exterior is 1 K. Requirements are in ČSN (details in following lectures). Calculation method is in EN ISO 6946 (details in following lectures).
Principles of EPB calculation
Basic calculation principles for heat transfer in buildings 1. Heat transfer through construction (modified Newton law): heat loss or gain temperature difference on both sides of construction thermal transmittance time (duration of calculated period) area Result: heat in J = Ws (Wh are usually used) Eq. could be also without time: then loss/power output in W Alternative notation: transmission heat transfer coefficient [W/K]
Definitions Transmission heat transfer coefficient [W/K]
Heat flow by transmission through building envelope related to unitary temperature difference. It specifies how much heat in W is transferred through building envelope when temperature difference between interior and exterior is 1 K. Calculation procedure in EN ISO and EN ISO (details later). It contains 3 parts: through constructions between internal and external air transmission heat transfer coefficient: adjacent to ground adjacent to unconditioned spaces Alternative according to ČSN : construction area thermal transmittance temperature reduction factor (influence of temperature difference loading the construction)
Principles of EPB calculation
Basic calculation principles for heat transfer in buildings 2. Heat for the ventilation: air density specific heat capacity of air time temperature difference interior-exterior volume flow of external (fresh) air necessary for ventilation [m3/s] Alternative notation: ventilation heat transfer coefficient [W/K]
Definitions Ventilation heat transfer coefficient [W/K]
Heat necessary for warming of external air entering the interior by ventilation or through leakages. It is related to unitary temperature difference between internal and external air. It specifies how much heat in W is necessary for warming of the whole amount of ventilation air when temperature difference between interior and exterior is 1 K. Calculation procedure in EN ISO (details later). General formula: volume flow of ventilation air [m3/s] air density [kg/m3] air heat capacity [J/(kg.K)]
Principles of EPB calculation
Basic calculation principles for heat transfer in buildings 3. Energy balance of a space: heat loss by transmission heat loss by ventilation internal gain transmission heat transfer coefficient through thermal joints
Principles of EPB calculation
Basic calculation principles for heat transfer in buildings Thermal bridges + joints: parts of constructions with increased heat flow caused by presence of other materials or by geometry (shape of detail) parts of constructions joints between constructions included in thermal transmittances of constructions expressed as stand-alone factor
Principles of EPB calculation
Basic calculation principles for heat transfer in buildings Thermal bridges + joints: spots in constructions with increased heat flow caused by presence of other materials or by geometry (shape of detail) correction factor for thermal joints (0 to 0,2 W/(m2K)) approximately: exactly: point thermal transmittance (3D details) length of 2D thermal joint linear thermal transmittance (EN ISO 10211)
Definitions Linear thermal transmittance [W/(m.K)]
Basic parameter expressing thermal-insulation quality of linear (2D) thermal joint. It specifies how much heat in W is transferred through thermal joint of 1 m length when temperature difference between interior and exterior is 1 K. Requirements in ČSN , calculation procedure in EN ISO Point thermal transmittance [W/K] Basic parameter expressing thermal-insulation quality of point (3D) thermal joint. It specifies how much heat in W is transferred through point thermal joint when temperature difference between interior and exterior is 1 K. Requirements in ČSN , calculation procedure in EN ISO
Principles of EPB calculation
Basic calculation principles for heat transfer in buildings 3. Energy balance of space: gains = losses („conservation of energy“ law) 2 basic tasks: calculation of necessary power output of heating (cooling) to maintain desired internal temperature θi b) calculation of temperature θi when heat gains Qg (persons, boiler, Sun…) are known
Energy performance of buildings
Model of building
Model of the building Only conditioned part of building is evaluated. It can be divided to zones. Zone includes all spaces: with internal design temperature different not more than 4 C with the same heating (and cooling) system with the same ventilation system on at least 80 % of floor area (natural/forced/heat recovery) with air change rate max. 4-times different within at least 80 % of floor area
Model of the building Typical 1 zone buildings:
family and residential houses common other buildings (offices) Typical multizone buildings: multifunctional buildings factories with administrative units Boundaries between zones: 1. not taken into account - if zones have the same heat/cold source - if the aim of calculation is to evaluate the building as a whole 2. taken into account - in other cases
Model of the building system boundary of zone (building)
Zone boundary: can be specified generally from: internal overall internal and external dimensions - according to (not only) Czech regulations: external dimensions system boundary of zone (building) - roof parapets: according to roof zone boundary is located on external surfaces special cases: - ventilated constructions (ext. surface of therm. insulation) - floors on ground (dtto) - floors above basement (accord. to type of basement)
(+ detailed calculation)
Model of the building System boundary: examples (TNI ): Small internal unconditioned spaces (stairs, corridors) : - depend on location possibilities: - unheated space (outside zone) - part of the zone edge cases: In case of doubt: unheated space (+ detailed calculation) Areas of constructions on the zone boundary: from design dimensions for windows and doors (in plans: dimensions of the openings in walls) from external dimensions for other constructions
Mean thermal transmittance
Energy performance of buildings Mean thermal transmittance
Definitions Mean thermal transmittance of the building [W/(m2K)]
Basic parameter expressing thermal-insulation quality of building envelope. It specifies how much heat in W is transferred through 1 m2 of building envelope (i.e. envelope of heated part) when temperature difference between interior and exterior is 1 K. Requirements in ČSN (details later). Calculation procedure in ČSN (details later). The value shows the influence of the building constructions design.
Mean therm. transmittance
Requirement of ČSN : For new buildings and for newly created parts of refurbished buildings, it is reaquired: Only heated part of the building is evaluated. Requirement is derived by calculation of reference building. It is the same as evaluated building with some differences: envelope constructions have U-value on the required level by ČSN area of windows is taken as max. 50% of the whole wall area (if larger, windows are taken as walls)
Mean therm. transmittance
Requirement of ČSN : calculation: Requirement for buildings with prevailing set-point (internal) temperature θim below 18 C or above 22 C: where Uem,N,20 is basic required value according to equation on this slide. required U-value for j construction (details in next lectures) temperature reduction factor (details following) sum over envelope constr. ratio between total envelope area and volume of evaluted part accepted values: from 0,2 to 1,0 correction for thermal joints area of j envelope construction result cannot be higher than: for new residential b.: 0,5 W/(m2.K) for other buildings:
Definitions Set-point temperature (design internal temperature) [ ̊C]
Required internal temperature guaranteed by heating or cooling (generally different for both modes). Approximately mean value calculated from air temperature and mean radiant temperature. Usually lower than air temperature. Usage: energy performance of buildings calculation Source: ČSN , ČSN EN 12831, investor. Typical value for heating mode θi = 20 C. Prevailing set-point temperature (prevailing design internal temperature) [ ̊C] Set-point temperature of most spaces in evaluated building or its part (zone). Typical value for heating mode θi = 20 C.
Mean therm. transmittance
Requirement of ČSN : fullfilment of requirements is expressed by means of envelope energy certificate: level corresponding to exact fullfilment, i.e. Uem = Uem,N ratio of Uem / Uem,N (percentage of Uem from Uem,N) required value Uem,N
Mean therm. transmittance
Calculation (ČSN ): based on principles of EN ISO standards transmission heat transfer coeff. total envelope area typical values: 0,1 (standard); 0,02 (optimalised solution); 0,2 (poor solution) temp. reduction factor [-] approx.: exact: linear thermal transmittance [W/(mK)] point thermal transmittance [W/K]
Mean therm. transmittance
Calculation (ČSN ): temperature reduction factor b: it expresses influence of real temperature difference tables in ČSN – not usable for low-e buildings, too old calculation for constructions adjacent to external air: design internal temperature adjacent to construction design outdoor air temperature in winter period prevailing design internal temperature (prevailing set-point temperature)
Definitions Design outdoor air temperature in winter period [ ̊C]
Maximum value from lowest 2-days’ mean values calculated from minimum daily temperatures during last 20 years. Defined in ČSN : Rounded down to nearest WHOLE number (e.g. -13,1 to -14 C)! Usage: evaluation of constructions and derivation of requirements Typical values θe from -13 C (e.g. Praha) to -17 C (e.g. Bruntál), extreme -21 C (highest mountain Sněžka). height above sea level of 1st floor basic design external temperature in 100 m a.s.l. CR divided to 4 areas with values: -12/-14/-16/-18 C temperature gradient For 4 areas: -0,5/-0,2/-0,2/-0,2 C
Mean therm. transmittance
Výpočet (ČSN ): činitel teplotní redukce: tabulky v ČSN – nepříliš vhodné, částečně zastaralé, pro NED zcela nepoužitelné Calculation (ČSN ): temperature reduction factor: construction adjacent to unconditioned spaces temperature in uncondi-tioned space EN ISO 13789 uncond. space
Mean therm. transmittance
Calculation (ČSN ): temperature reduction factor: constructions adjacent to ground ground temperature EN ISO 13370 steady-state heat transfer coeff. via the ground without ground incl. ground
Mean therm. transmittance
Calculation (EN ISO 13789): similar approach, only without factors b Transmission heat transfer coefficient Trans. heat transfer coeff. through constructions between internal and external air Calculation accord. to EN ISO 13789: steady heat transfer coeff. via ground calculation accord. to EN ISO 13370: area of floor on ground floor perimeter U-value of floor including influence of ground linear thermal transmittance in joint between floor and wall construc-tions 2D th. joints 3D th. joints Heat transfer through:
Mean therm. transmittance
Calculation (EN ISO 13789): similar approach, only without factors b Transmission heat transfer coefficient Trans. heat transfer coeff. through constructions between internal and external air Calculation accord. to EN ISO 13789: trans. heat transfer coeff. via unconditioned spaces calculation accord. to EN ISO 13789: construc-tions 2D th. joints 3D th. joints Heat transfer through: total specific heat flow from interior to unconditioned space total specific heat flow from unconditioned space to exterior
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