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“The Roots –fid– and –jur–”

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1 “The Roots –fid– and –jur–”
Vocabulary Lesson 24

2 English 11 Homework: 3-Column Chart
WORD ALL DEFINITIONS (COPY FROM THE SHEET!) YOUR OWN SENTENCE (THIS WEEK: Parallelism) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

3 Adjudicate DEF: A. To hear and settle a case through a judicial procedure B. To settle a dispute POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism to explain how someone might adjudicate a case or dispute. EXAMPLE: The judge adjudicated the case by listening to the witnesses, forming an opinion, and presenting her ruling.

4 Affidavit DEF: A written statement made under oath before an official
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism to list reasons a person might submit an affidavit. EXAMPLE: Someone might submit an affidavit to _______, to _______, or to _______.

5 Confidant DEF: A person trusted with secrets or private matters
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Write a sentence that uses parallelism about the things you would want a confidant to do. EXAMPLE: I would want a confidant to _____, to _____, and to _____.

6 Conjure DEF: A. To produce or summon, as if by magic B. To call to mind an image or a memory POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism to explain what images are conjured up when reflecting on your past. EXAMPLE: Reflecting on my past conjures up images of _____, images of ______, and images of ______.

7 Fealty DEF: Faithfulness; allegiance
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism to explain what you pledge fealty to. EXAMPLE: I pledge fealty to _____, to ______, and to ______.

8 Fiancé DEF: A man to whom a woman is engaged to be married (fiancée is the female version) POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism to describe what a fiancé should be like OR what a fiancé should NOT do. EXAMPLE: A fiancé should be ______, _______, and ______. A fiancé should not _______; he should not _______; he should not _______.

9 Fidelity DEF: A. Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or vows B. The degree to which a sound or image is accurately reproduced POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism to explain reasons you might question someone or something’s fidelity. EXAMPLE: I question ______’s fidelity because _____, because _____, and because _____.

10 Infidel DEF: A person who does not accept a particular faith or religion POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism to list how an infidel could be treated. EXAMPLE: An infidel could be ________, _______, or _______.

11 Jurisprudence DEF: The philosophy and science of law or a division of the law POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism (gerunds) to explain what learning about jurisprudence might involve. EXAMPLE: Learning about jurisprudence might involve _________, _________, or _______.

12 Perjure DEF: To deliberately lie or testify falsely under oath
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use parallelism to explain why someone might perjure. EXAMPLE: Someone might perjure to ______, to ______, or to ______.

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