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Today: Get your text book

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1 Today: Get your text book
On the next page in your ELA notebook, title the page “Be The Light”

2 Discuss: What can we learn from
EXPLORE the campaigns: What can we learn from the different students? What did they all have in common? What can we learn from Wangari Maathai? WHY did she do something? What does “think global, act local” mean? What can we learn from Simplicty!

3 On the first line of the page in your notebook, write “TED Talk”
hip?utm_source=sms&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign =tedspread After we watch the video, summarize the main message from the speaker.

4 Skip a line after the “TED Talk” section, and write “Kid President”.
After we watch the video, summarize the main message from the speaker.

5 Draw a line across the page after “Kid president”
Make a new title: BRAINSTORMING On the next line, write the word GLOBAL Underneath that heading, brainstorm 10 (or more) PROBLEMS that impact the whole (or most) of the world One example: world hunger

6 New brainstorming section: LOCAL
What are problems you see locally? In America, Georgia, Cobb county, Kennesaw, McClure, your neighborhood, your church, your team, etc. Example: homelessness in Marietta

7 New brainstorming section: PERSONAL
What are problems that impact you (or the people in your life) personally? Your family, schoolmates, neighborhood friends, teammates, church members, etc. Example- I can about Congenital Heart Failure because of my friend Halle.

8 Solutions: For each category of problem, choose TWO of those that you care about the most (a total of 6!) For each of the two, come up with TWO solutions: 1. How would that problem end FOREVER? 2. What is ONE STEP that you could do that would help that problem for now?


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