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Industrialization Steel, Meat, and Flour.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrialization Steel, Meat, and Flour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrialization Steel, Meat, and Flour

2 Railroads Contribution
A. Previous Nature of Industry B. RR’s Permit National Market C. Effectively Improved Communications

3 Popular Ideas and Contributions
A. Ideas contributing to Industrialization 1. Labor Saving Devices B. Ideas contribute to Centralization 1. Social Darwinism

4 Technology leads to Industrial Growth
1. Alexander Graham Bell-Telegraph 2. Electricity A. Thomas A. Edison-Incandescent Bulb B. Charles F. Brush-street lamps 3. Automobile circa 1895 4. Airplane circa 1899 5. Refrigeration for ships and train cars.

5 The Northeast A. Early Growth B. Industries

6 Rise of Steel A. Basic Inventions B. The Role of Tariff
C. The Role of Transportation 1. Andrew Carnegie-Gospel of wealth

7 Rise of Oil A. Background B. Conditions in Early Oil Industry
C. Rise of John D. Rockefeller 1. vertical and horizontal consolidation or integration D. The Reluctant Trust

8 Montgomery Burns aka John D. Rockefeller

9 How to Build an Industrial Giant
Horizontal Consolidation- Merger of all stages of production from beginning to end into a single company or combine a number of corporations engaged in the same business into a single corporation. (Ex. Railroads) Vertical Consolidation -Merger into a single stage of production : eliminating competition, take over of all different businesses on which it relied for its primary function. (Ex. Carnegie Steel) Monopoly

10 Methods of Horizontal consolidation
Purchase Competitive advantage through control of the pipelines C. Gaining of rebates on Standard Oil shipments and sometimes, even receiving same on competitors D. Use of RR records to learn competitor’s customers E. Use of selective price-cutting F. Outright sabotage sometimes was charged.

11 Methods of Vertical Consolidation
A. Beginning with refining, reaches out to control the pipelines which are replacing the railroads B. Control of these permits controls the price for oil. Also buy up the wells that produce the oil. C. Eliminate the “middle man” C. Build up a retail organization.

12 Rise of Midwest Industry
A. Agricultural Machinery B. Flour C. Meat

13 The New South A. Basis of Terminology B. Textiles C. Raw Materials
Manufacturing D. Local Luxuries Early Coke bottle

14 The West Generally Unindustrialized Except for Mining

15 The Rise of Cities Reasons 1. The Great Migration
2. Geographic Mobility B. Ethnic City C. Assimilation D. Global Migration E. The Urban Landscape F. Urban Strain 1. Fire 2. Disease 3. Pollution 4. Filth

16 G. Crime, Violence and Poverty
1. Police Dept. 2. National Guard and Armories 3. Salvation Army 4. Public Agencies

17 H. Politics 1. Political Machines a. Marcy “Boss” Tweed
b. Urban Bosses (not elected) c. Ward Politics d. Organized Crime e. Patronage to Public Officials Thomas Nast “Let us Prey” T

18 6. Women role in mass consumption
I. Mass Consumption 1. Rising Incomes 2. Sewing Machine 3. Chain Stores 4. Mail-Order Houses 5. Department Stores a. Woolworth’s, A&P, Sear and Roebuck, Montgomery Ward 6. Women role in mass consumption

19 J. Leisure 1. Redefinition 2. Spectator Sports a. Baseball, Basketball
3. Music, Theatre and Movies a. Vaudeville

20 K. Mass Communication 1. Telephone 2. Journalism 3. Literature

21 L. Education 1. Free Public Schools 2. Higher Education 3. Medical Science 4. Education for Women Brockport Campus School 1890

22 M. “Melting Pot of America” 1. Problems lead to solutions
2. Ethnic diversity leads to the life style of America *****Demand and Urban Pressure caused Change**** -Domestically, Politically, economically, socially, technologically, and intellectually

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