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US HISTORY Measurement Topic 1: The founding of a new nation

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1 US HISTORY Measurement Topic 1: The founding of a new nation
Learning Target 1: What ideas and actions caused the American Revolutionary war.

2 Vocab Colony – When a nation sends people to go take over a piece of land in another nation Taking over new land/territory Revolution – A rebellion or a war to change something

3 Enlightenment ideas Separation of power Locke and Rousseau Montesquieu
Everyone has rights Natural Rights –Life, liberty, and own property Government gets its power from the people If a government doesn’t protect the peoples rights it can be overthrown Rousseau All of Locke's ideas and…. That people give up some rights so that they can be protected People should elect representatives to run the gov. for them Separation of power When one person or group has all the power, then it becomes corrupt = violates people’s rights Separate a governments power up to keep it from being corrupt treemap

4 Location

5 Government of the 13 colonies
Problems between Colonies and England England was far way and didn’t always make the right decisions England made the colonies only trade and buy stuff from them England did not let the colonies have a representative, so England made bad laws The 13 colonies were located in America but controlled/ruled by England England made decisions regarding what it thought was best for the 13 colonies

6 Bad Actions Quartering Act- soldiers in homes Sugar Act- Tax on sugar
Taxes, taxes, and more taxes Boston Massacre Quartering Act- soldiers in homes Sugar Act- Tax on sugar Stamp Act –Tax on paper Townshend Act –Taxes and punishment Coercive Act –punish those who challenged British authority = Intolerable acts 13 colonist and British soldiers are facing off Tensions between the two sides exploded Someone shoots = everyone starts shooting 5 colonist were killed Soon after the English send a lot of troops to colonies and =American Revolutionary War Brain pop movie Libery kids

7 Ideas + Bad actions = WAR
American Revolutionary war What ideas started war? Actions/Events that started the war Locke’s ideas Everyone has rights and they should not be violated People create governments to protect their rights IF a government violates peoples rights it can be overthrown Montesquieu When one person has all the power = corrupt gov. Rousseau People should have representatives England made laws with out colonist consent/ok England did not allow the colonists to have a representative to fight unfair laws England taxed, taxed, taxed the colonist Massacre of the five colonist In order to protect their rights the colonist went to war To get their rights they deserved the colonist went to war To be free of their bad government the colonist went to war

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