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OpenURL and Canonical Citation Linking in Classics A Collaborative Project at Cornell between Classics and the University Library Metadata Working Group.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenURL and Canonical Citation Linking in Classics A Collaborative Project at Cornell between Classics and the University Library Metadata Working Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenURL and Canonical Citation Linking in Classics A Collaborative Project at Cornell between Classics and the University Library Metadata Working Group Forum Cornell University Library October 16, 2009 Eric Rebillard David Ruddy Adam Chandler

2 Planning grant overview
Mellon Foundation funding Three components Canonical citation OpenURL quality metrics and evaluation L’Annee interface enhancements










12 Linking solutions Bilateral, direct vendor links
Costly to implement and maintain Unstable Does not easily allow one-to-many relationships Does not address ‘appropriate copy’ problem A method with more indirection, such as OpenURL

13 Classical text resource
(e.g., JSTOR, L’Annee) User’s link resolver OpenURL HTML page with link options Source text in original language Source text in translation Library catalog Inter-library loan Others?

14 Advantages of using OpenURL
System/vendor independent Uniform linking syntax Minimizes cost of creating and maintaining links Easily allows one-to-many linking Allows for appropriate copy linking

15 Project tasks Define a metadata format that can reliably reference canonical citations Work through implementation challenges Build a prototype

16 Metadata format: Identifying the work
Canonical citations are at the level of the FRBR work Very little metadata (a title, possibly an author name) Metadata format includes an undefined work identifier Community defined Possibly ISTC

17 Metadata format: Author names
Existing OpenURL metadata formats expect modern, western names (aufirst, aulast) How to capture ancient author names? Allowing multiple ways to encode author forms, which may depend on era of author aufirst auform1 aulast auform2

18 Metadata format: Citation components
Two possible approaches: Try to define every component Book, section, canto, stanza, act, scene, etc. A more abstract approach, recognizing the typical hierarchical structure of works level_1, level_2, level_3 Second approach adopted, as more generally applicable across heterogeneous material

19 Implementation challenge
Normally, resolution to resource is left to local link resolver And yet: Detailed and specialized knowledge Uncertain commercial incentive for link resolver vendors Proposed solution: domain-specific, community-supported knowledge bases

20 Classical text resource (e.g., JSTOR, L’Annee)
Classical Works KnowledgeBase (CWKB) OpenURL HTML page with link options Service X Text in original language, Edition A Service X Text in original language, Edition B Service Y Text in original language Service Z Text in translation Others?

21 Problems with this approach
Doesn’t solve appropriate copy problem Doesn’t allow for institutional branding, presentation, page layout Doesn’t allow for local options (library catalog search, etc.)

22 Classical text resource (e.g., JSTOR, L’Annee)
Classical Works KnowledgeBase (CWKB) OpenURL 1 OpenURL 2 HTML page with link options User’s link resolver Library catalog Inter-library loan Service X Text in original language Service Y Text in translation Others?

23 Advantages of intermediate resolver / knowledge base
Domain specific knowledge base can augment and/or normalize metadata values Can provide specialized linking information Can allow direct access to targeted resources for users without a local link resolver Could provide other potential services to community

24 Classical text resource (e.g., JSTOR, L’Annee)
Classical Works KnowledgeBase (CWKB) OpenURL 1 OpenURL CWKB URL redirect service 2 HTML page with link options User’s link resolver Library catalog Inter-library loan Service X Text in original language Service Y Text in translation Service Z Text in original language

25 Classical Works Knowledge Base (CWKB)
A relational database that stores metadata about classical works A link resolver software that does the lookup in the relational database

26 CWKB: Author’s name The Latin form is the international authority form for Latin and ancient Greek authors. For lookup purpose, CWKB will store the established form of the author in several modern languages and the abbreviations used by the main reference tools. Draft ISO standard 27729: International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI).

27 CWKB: Work’s title The Latin form is the international authority form for Latin and ancient Greek titles. For lookup purpose, CWKB will store the established form of the title in several modern languages and the abbreviations used by the main reference tools.

28 CWKB: work identifiers
They may come from a range of well-established registries such as: The Canon of the TLG The Clavis Patrum Latinorum The Clavis Patrum Graecorum The CHS Canon of Greek Literature The Stoa Canon of Latin Literature CWKB will maintain a concordance between them One development to follow: the ISTC standard (ISO 21047)

29 CWKB: the link resolver
Classical text resource (e.g., JSTOR, L’Annee) Classical Works KnowledgeBase (CWKB) OpenURL 1 OpenURL 2 HTML page with link options User’s link resolver

30 CWKB actions Identifies the work
Provides a normalized authority form of author and title Provides a list of services pertaining to the work Service package identifier URL directly to citation

31 OpenURL 1 (to CWKB) Baseurl:
OpenURL version: ctx_ver = Z Metadata format: rft_val_fmt = info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:canonical_cit Citation: rft.auform1 = Aeschylus rft.titleform1 = Suppliants rft.slevel1 = 40 rft.elevel1 = 57 User’s resolver: res_id = Referrer ID: rfr_id = info:sid/aph

32 OpenURL 1 (to CWKB) Baseurl:
OpenURL version: ctx_ver = Z Metadata format: rft_val_fmt = info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:canonical_cit Citation: rft.auform1 = Aesch. rft.titleform1 = Supp. rft.slevel1 = 40 rft.elevel1 = 57 User’s resolver: res_id = Referrer ID: rfr_id = info:sid/aph

33 OpenURL 1 (to CWKB) Baseurl:
OpenURL version: ctx_ver = Z Metadata format: rft_val_fmt = info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:canonical_cit Citation: = info:cwkb/tlg: rft.slevel1 = 40 rft.elevel1 = 57 User’s resolver: res_id = Referrer ID: rfr_id = info:sid/aph

34 OpenURL 2 (to local resolver)
Baseurl: OpenURL version: ctx_ver = Z Metadata format: rft_val_fmt = info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:canonical_cit Citation: rft.auform2= Aeschylus rft.titleform2 = Supplices rft.slevel1 = 40 rft.elevel1 = 57 Available services: svc_id=info:sid/ : line=40 svc_id=info:sid/ tlgpost.php?package_id=tlg_demo%26local_package_id= %26scheme=z%26hidden_z=40 Referrer ID: rfr_id = info:sid/

35 Local Link Resolver CWKB will provide a set of instructions for:
Creating a resource profile for each canonical citation package the library licenses or supports; Establishing rules for displaying the full text links; Creating rules for mapping canonical citation metadata to non-full text services, such as the library catalog searches.

36 Local Link Resolver Recognize the format of the incoming OpenURL. Each one will contain this string: rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:canonical_cit Parse each incoming canonical citation in its key value components: Pull out each svc_id into two parts (name of the service; full text url); Use auform2 and title2 for the display of the citation requested and for the search in the local catalog.

37 Local Link Resolver The OpenURL 2 is thus interpreted by the local link resolver to produce a page such as this:

38 Demo







45 Wider application Useful to any discipline that cites works independent of specific editions or translations Potential model for chaining link resolvers / knowledge bases together to provide enhanced services to users Potential for providing other information services to community

46 Next Steps Complete a proposal for a two-year project, including:
Metadata format: finalize and submit for registration to the OpenURL Framework community CWKB resolver: additional development work, populate the database Citation encoding in L’Année Submit final proposal to Mellon, Jan 2010, for start date of July 2010

47 Additional information

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