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Saranya Sriram Developer Evangelist | Microsoft

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Presentation on theme: "Saranya Sriram Developer Evangelist | Microsoft"— Presentation transcript:

1 Saranya Sriram Developer Evangelist | Microsoft

2 Azure™ Services Platform

3 Azure™ Services Platform

4 This Talk Windows Azure basics Windows Azure core programming concepts
Model and architecture Demo: Basic cloud program Demo: Cloud on your desktop Windows Azure core programming concepts Web and worker applications Storage capabilities Demo: Media library application

5 What is the cloud ? A set of connected servers
On which developers can: Install and run services Store and retrieve data

6 Desktop And Cloud Hardware
Desktop Hardware Cloud Hardware Infrequent catastrophic system failures Ability to scale limited by CPU/disk/ memory slots Frequent component failures infrequent system failure Ability to scale limited by power/real estate/opex

7 Windows Azure The Windows Azure provides core technologies for building rich services on top of unreliable but scalable hardware (i.e., a cloud operating system) Provides features that mask common sources of failures to greatly simplify programming Supports building applications that scale Programming tools and interfaces are designed to be familiar to traditional desktop programmer However, introduce new concepts that are similar to existing ones at a different abstraction level

8 What is Windows Azure? It is an operating system for the cloud
It is designed for utility computing Main Features being Service Management Compute Storage Developer Experience

9 Desktop And Related Azure Concepts
Windows Azure EXE Service Package Application Configuration Service Configuration Manifest Service Definition Service Role Web Role Worker Role DLL Windows Forms Library Windows Service Desktop Data Store Internet Data Store

10 Windows Azure Basics Fabric Controller
Owns all the data center hardware Uses the inventory to host services Similar to what a per machine operating system does with applications The FC provisions the hardware as necessary Maintains the health of the hardware Deploys applications to free resources Maintains the health of those applications

11 Modeling Simple Services
Public Internet Template automatically maps to service model Frontend Web Role Background Process Role Load Balancer Fundamental Services

12 Windows Azure Basics Service Concepts Service definition
Defines aspects of a service that cannot be changed without redeployment Types of roles and static role configuration Set of configuration settings for a role Contract with the environment code runs Service configurations Defines values for properties that can be dynamically updated for a running deployment Values of a configuration parameter Number of running instances

13 Accessing Windows Azure
End Users Your Cloud Application Microsoft Visual Studio Development Environment Coming Soon Developers

14 - Basic Cloud Applictaion - The cloud on your desktop
demo - Basic Cloud Applictaion - The cloud on your desktop

15 Web Role Web farm that handles request from the internet
IIS7 hosted web core Hosts ASP.NET XML based configuration of IIS7 Integrated managed pipeline Supports SSL Windows Azure code access security policy (CAS) for managed code Public Internet Web Role Load Balancer Storage Services

16 Worker Role No inbound network connections
Can read requests from queue in storage Windows Azure specific CAS policy for managed code Public Internet Worker Role Storage Service

17 Windows Azure Storage Abstractions
Blobs – provide a simple interface for storing named files along with metadata for the file Tables – provide structured storage. A table is a set of entities, which contain a set of properties Queues – provide reliable storage and delivery of messages for an application

18 Blob Storage Concepts Key concepts account, container, blob, and blocks
Pictures IMG001.JPG IMG002.JPG Movies MOV1.AVI Block AAAA Block AAAB Block AAAC Block

19 Queue Storage Concepts Account, queue, and message
Thumbnail Jobs 128x128, 256x256, Indexing Jobs

20 Table Storage Concepts Account, table, and entity
Users Name=…hash=… PhotoIndex Tag=…id=… Tag=…,id=…

21 - Media (Picture / Video) library
demo - Media (Picture / Video) library

22 Share Photos/Videos Service Architecture
Public Internet Web Role (Blob) Worker Role (Queue) Load Balancer Storage Service

23 Key Take Aways Reliable and scalable Familiar Open platform
Most faults masked from the developer Supports partitioning of data and stateless programming model for building scalable systems Familiar Existing technologies like ASP.NET interoperate well with Windows Azure Open platform Connect outbound to any server Open protocols and APIs on all components

24 References Environment: http://www.Azure.Com/windows SDKs:
Windows Vista SP1 (when installing on Windows Vista) .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 IIS 7.0 (with ASP.NET and WCF HTTP Activation) Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 Windows PowerShell (optional) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (Installer) SDKs: Windows® Azure™ Software Development Kit (October 2008 CTP) Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio October 2008 CTP SQL Data Services (SDS) SDK (CTP) Microsoft .net Services(Nov 2008 CTP) SDK

25 Feedback & QnA Your Feedback is Important!
Please take a few moments to fill out our online feedback form at the vtd site. Use the Question Manager on LiveMeeting to ask your questions now!


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