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Kindergarten Information

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1 Kindergarten Information
? will do the welcome and introduce the teachers.

2 Morning drop off 7:45-8:15 School Hours 8:15-3:00
Tardy Bell Rings at 8:15 Plyler

3 Tardy or Absence Please send an excuse/doctor’s note within 3 days of your child’s absence. plyler

4 Car Rider Drop-off and Pick-up
We are working toward independence. However, you are welcome to walk your child to class on his/her staggered entry day. Safety Patrol and staff members will be available to help your child get from the car rider line to their classroom. Plyler

5 Agendas Agendas will be sent home daily.
This will be used for parent-teacher communication. Please place money and any notes in the agenda. Sign and return the agenda to school each morning. Plyler

6 Bethel Virtues Kindergartens always show their PAWS! Practice Responsibility Always be Safe Willing to learn Show Respect Rogers

7 PBIS Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports
Please look for more information to come! Rogers

8 Extra Set of Clothes Place in labeled Ziploc bag (shirt, pants, underwear, socks) Hines

9 Lunch Breakfast: $1.15 Lunch: $2.55
Money can be placed into your child’s account. You may put money in the account via internet (directions on the CCS Website) . Extras (cookies, etc) cost $1.00. Students owing more than $8.00 will be given an alternate lunch. Hines

10 Supply Fee There is an annual student supply fee of $10
This can be sent in with your student or paid online

11 Money Please send all money in a baggie or envelope in your child’s folder. Label baggie or envelope with child’s name and what it is to be used for (lunch, field trip, book fair…) Hines

12 Volunteers Volunteers are greatly appreciated!
All parents must complete a background check and have it approved before volunteering or attending activities. Additional Information and the forms can be found on the Bethel Website under parent documents. Whitley

13 Nametags Your child will receive a free school nametag that is to remain here at school. Nametags are used for lunch accounts, in the media center for book checkouts and in encore classes. If your child loses or destroys their nametag the replacement cost is $5.00. Whitley

14 Birthdays You may bring in store bought treats for your child’s class.
Invitations may not be handed out at school. There will be an optional class directory for your child’s class. Your child’s teacher will have a sign-up form. Rogers

15 Staggered Entry Bring your child on his/her assigned staggered entry day. All students will come Friday, September 1st for a regular school day!

16 Open House Procedures Tuesday Night
Find your child’s seat in his/her classroom. Fill out ALL of the paper work at the seat and turn it in on the yellow table. Fill out the online survey at a computer in your child’s classroom. Hines

17 THANK YOU in advance for a wonderful year!
Dunn- YELLOW Reavis- BLUE Plyler- GREEN Krimminger- RED THANK YOU in advance for a wonderful year!

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