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State of play endocrine disruptors

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Presentation on theme: "State of play endocrine disruptors"— Presentation transcript:

1 State of play endocrine disruptors
75th CA meeting 23-24 November 2017 1

2 Introduction Published delegated regulation CA documents
Technical guidance Screening study IA 2

3 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2100
Published 17 November 2017 in OJ Regulation enters into force on the twentieth day following publication The criteria shall apply from 7 June 2018 Link to OJ for all language versions: content/EN/TXT/?qid= &uri=CELEX:32017R2100. 3

4 2. Secondary legislation and regulatory guidance
Implementation 1. CA notes for agreement 2. Secondary legislation and regulatory guidance 3. Technical and Scientific guidance ED Criteria

5 CA notes ED Criteria Delegated act Approved active substances
On- going procedures active substances Already authorised and on- going procedures biocidal products ED Criteria Delegated act

6 Update on ED-guidance development
10th ED Expert Group meeting 15/16 November 2017

7 Member States & Stakeholders
Drafting team and consultation group Drafting team: ECHA, EFSA, JRC EFSA PPP Experts Member States & Stakeholders ECHA ED expert group Consultation group

8 Guidance development process – to date
Draft guidance for public consultation (Nov 2017) 2nd Consultation Group commenting (July-Aug 2017) Second draft 1st Consultation Group commenting (Apr-May 2017) First draft (Jan 2017)

9 Guidance development process – to come
Endorsement and publication of Guidance for ED identification (May 2018) Finalisation of Guidance (April 2018) Consultation of competent scientific bodies (e.g. BPC) Evaluation of comments - revision of Guidance (February - March 2018) Public consultation (December 2017 – January 2018) Guidance for ED identification planned to be available once ED criteria for BP become applicable

10 Workshop ECHA and EFSA presenting draft guidance
Case studies (experiences with applying the draft guidance to active substance dossiers) Joint meeting BPs and PPPs End of January/beginning February 10

11 Screening study IA 11

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