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New Assigned Seats DLP: skip 21 Do 22: Adjectives SSR: 26

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1 New Assigned Seats DLP: skip 21 Do 22: Adjectives SSR: 26
Wednesday January 4, 2017 New Assigned Seats DLP: skip 21 Do 22: Adjectives SSR: 26 Review Romeo & Juliet SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts independently and proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read and understand literature that is at my grade level.

2 Thursday January 5, 2017 Flocabulary year in Rap DLP: 23
JWL 26: If you could invent a new subject to study at school, what would it be? Sign up for role Review R&J Read Act 4 of Romeo & Juliet Quiz on Act 4&5: Thursday 01/12/17 SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

3 DLP: 24 Watch Romeo & Juliet SSR Friday January 5, 2017
Quiz on Act 4&5: Thursday 01/12/17 3rd hour only assembly SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend a complex literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

4 Read Act 5 of Romeo & Juliet Quiz on Act 4&5: Thursday 01/12/17
Monday January 9, 2017 DLP: 25 SSR Read Act 5 of Romeo & Juliet Quiz on Act 4&5: Thursday 01/12/17 SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

5 Tuesday January 10, 2017 DLP: 26 JWL27: Write a letter that Juliet might have written to her parents to be read if she died from the potion that Friar Lawrence gave her. Review Act 4 & 5 of Romeo & Juliet Home work list 10 traits from parent Quiz on Act 4&5: Thursday 01/12/17 SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

6 Quiz on Act 4&5: Tomorrow 01/12/17
Wednesday January 11, 2017 DLP: 27 SSR Type paper in S203 Quiz on Act 4&5: Tomorrow 01/12/17 SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

7 Thursday January 12, 2017 DLP: 28 JWL 28: Write a letter that Juliet might have written to Romeo to be read if she died from the potion that Friar Lawrence gave her. Quiz on Act 4&5: Tomorrow 01/12/17 Finish typing paper Presentations tomorrow SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

8 Presentations today and Tuesday
Friday January 13, 2017 DLP: 29 Presentations today and Tuesday No school tomorrow in observance of MLK day SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

9 Tuesday January 17, 2017 DLP: 30 JWL 29: Who in the play shows the most courage? Give reasons for your choice? Presentations today Study in S 203 Tomorrow and Thursday SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

10 DLP: 31 Study in S 203 today & Tomorrow 3. Exams 1&2 on Friday
Wednesday January 18, 2017 DLP: 31 Study in S 203 today & Tomorrow 3. Exams 1&2 on Friday SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

11 DLP: 32 Study in S 203 today 3. Exams 1&2 on tomorrow
Thursday January 19, 2017 DLP: 32 Study in S 203 today 3. Exams 1&2 on tomorrow SUCCESS CRITERIA: Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

12 Exams 1&2 Friday January 20, 2017 SUCCESS CRITERIA:
Read and comprehend literary texts proficiently. LEARNING TARGET: Today, I will read Romeo & Juliet so I can analyze themes and social issues.

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