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Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes

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1 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes
Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS) with Don Lindler, Ralph Bohlin, Phil Hodge, Nadia Dencheva, Sherie Holfeltz Trace tilt evolution Trace shape New traces New evolution code Bimodal behavior Remaining work STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

2 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes
A grid of reference file traces is placed on an (flt, crj) image as the framework along which interpolation will be done to produce spectral extractions (x1d), rectified images (x2d) Problem: x2d images still have some tilt Row does not come from one location along the slit  Random changes, systematic changes in traces? STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

3 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes
The tilt of the traces has been evolving steadily over time, showing clockwise rotation on the detector G430L spectral traces at the center of the detector over the lifetime of STIS, along with the reference file trace STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

4 Rotation rates of the CCD L grating traces (positive = clockwise)
ROTATION RATE (deg/yr) G140L, high G140L, low G230L G230LB G430L G750L STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

5 Trace minus linear fit for G230LB, G430L, G750L,
CCD traces have the same shape: Trace minus linear fit for G230LB, G430L, G750L, G750M(6581, 6768, 8561) STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

6 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes
New traces (rotated as needed)  Improved trace reference files for L modes (delivery imminent) with specified MJD, rotation rate G140L: 6 feb 1999, CAL/STIS 7937 (o53001*) GD71 (1 star, 20 steps along slit) G140L, USEAFTER Oct (for aperture at ~ +3") G140L, USEAFTER Mar (for aperture at ~ -3"): rotated to compensate for MSM change G230L: 2 Sep 1997, CAL/STIS 7667 (o46j01*) NGC (3 stars, 8 steps) G230L G230LB: 13 Feb 1998, CAL/STIS 7665 (o45p02*) HD (1 star, 33 steps) G230LB G430L: rotation of G230LB G750L: rotation of G230LB STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

7 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes
New Code: OPUS , including CALSTIS 2.21b (released 28 June 2006) STSDAS, including CALSTIS 2.21b (to be released in fall 2006) CALSTIS 2.21b reads two new columns in the SPTRCTAB: MJD DEGPERYR (rotation rate; 0 if not measured for that grating/cenwave) It reads the MJD of the science exposure. It computes the difference in dates and the consequent trace rotation. It applies that rotation to the traces before applying them to the (flt,crj) image. STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

8 Comparison of “traces” made from x2d files: G140L (low position)
OLD REDUCTION: EARLY, LATE NEW REDUCTION: EARLY, LATE STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

9 Comparison of “traces” made from x2d files: G430L (center)
OLD REDUCTION: EARLY, LATE NEW REDUCTION: EARLY, LATE STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

10 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes
COMPLICATION! In this case, there are two evolutionary tracks of trace tilt vs time, both showing clockwise rotation on the detector G750M(6768) spectral traces at the center of the detector over the lifetime of STIS, along with the reference file trace STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

11 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes
Grating tilt is set by 3 cylinders Cylinder settings were changed on July 21, 1997 Only one exposure in G750M(6768) plot had the early settings Virtually all STIS GO data have been taken after the change Plot: SHIFTA2 vs date (square: low evolution track, triangle: high evolution track) Population on the two evolutionary tracks of trace tilt vs time is predicted by SHIFTA2, the measurement of the Y position of the wavecal image on the detector The higher track is very rarely populated by exposures with central wavelengths 6581, 8561 STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

12 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes
Remaining Work Delivery of the new trace reference files for the L modes Completion and delivery of new trace reference files for G750M(6581), G750M(6768), G750M(8561) Implementation of a "tweak-trace" post-processing tool that measures the science image to determine the rotation to apply to the reference file traces Completion of an Instrument Science Report STScI TIPS 20 July 2006 Time-Dependent Spectral Traces for the STIS First Order Modes Linda Dressel (INS)

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