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An introduction to Socialization.

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1 An introduction to Socialization.

2 What makes us human? Modern humans are characterized by erect posture and bipedal locomotion; manual dexterity and increased tool use; and a general trend toward larger, more complex brains and societies -Wikipedia Genie

3 Definition Socialization is = Examples of when we are socialized:
A process of teaching and learning how to participate groups Examples of when we are socialized: Basic skills as an infant Moving to a new setting Changes in life stage Agents of Socialization = individuals, groups, or institutions involved the process of socialization

4 Importance of Socialization
Harry Harlow Mammals -- Rhesus Monkeys experiments Prefer warmth, comfort over food – creature comfort Those without creature comforts become withdrawn, maladjusted animals Do not even reproduce. Do not have parental instincts. Institutionalized Children Emotional Depravation in Infancy – Dr. Spitz

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