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Big Boss Box.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Boss Box."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Boss Box

2 The Big Bosses

3 The Device

4 How Does it work? The windmill is connected to the 4 large magnets
As the fan blows, the windmill begins to spin the magnets. As the magnets spin they create an electromagnetic field. The electrical current is transferred into the coiled wire. This electrical current cause the light bulb to flicker.

5 calculations

6 Materials Pringles can.……….$0.75 Plexiglas box ........$15.00
Windmill………......$5.00 Wire .…..…………$10.00 Magnets …………..$3.00 Rod & Ball bearing..$5.00 Scrap wood ..……....$1.00 Glue ……………....$0.25 TOTAL ……………$40.00

7 Technical Difficulties
The diameter of the wire The configuration of the magnets How to make the generator Scheduling Conflicts

8 Conclusion We are done w/ EF152!!!!
We now have a better understand how mechanical energy can be transformed into electricity. We have gained more knowledge about magnets and elctromagnetic fields During this project we utilized everyone’s ideas and suggestion We are done w/ EF152!!!!

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