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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. (Pds 6 and 7)

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. (Pds 6 and 7)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. (Pds 6 and 7)
You may “decompress” for a few minutes… Before we begin the warm-up, you may do any of the following just to give your brain a SHORT break: -Read a book from the iLit library. -Play games on FUNBRAIN.COM. -Work on any make-up work you have in Intensive Reading or another class. -Some other “educationally-based” activity that allows you to “decompress” for a moment. -If you have earbuds with you and you want to listen to music, you may put them in, BUT when it is time to start class, you MUST put them away where I can’t see them.

2 Warm-Up: Choose your slogan. Write it on the ¼ sheet.
The struggle I am in today is building the strength I will need tomorrow. I will push myself harder because no one else is going to do it for me. I don’t dream about success, I work for it. ¼, 1/5 Answer the following questions: Which quote do you think applies to you the most? In Freak the Mighty, who “pushes” whom the hardest? (Who “makes” someone a better person?)

3 1. What context clues are included in each of the following sentences in order to determine the meanings of each word? 2. What does each word mean?



6 Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Learning
Essential Question: How does learning change the way we see ourselves? 10 Warm-Up: Life Slogan’s and Vocabulary Review 5 Vocabulary (Artifact, Divulged) 15 Read Aloud Freak the Mighty, Chapter 9 (and part of 10); Make Predictions Classroom Conversation Whole Group (Theme and Draw Conclusions) 35 Work Time (4.7 Drawing Conclusions and 4.6 Analyze Theme, Interactive Reading, Finish Word Slam, Finish 4.5 Reading Check, Independent Reading) Wrap-Up

7 4.7 Artifact: an object that was made by a human long ago and has historical value The treasure hunter ___________ when he discovered the ancient artifact. Divulged: gave information that is private or secret Even Batman doesn’t divulge _____________.

8 4.1 Unvanquished: a word describing something that hasn’t been defeated The alien was set to face off against his unvanquished foe in a game of ______________. Consequences: the effect of something that happened earlier The robot told the alien to _________________, or suffer the consequences. 4.2 Demeanor: someone’s appearance and behavior The Tasmanian Devil’s demeanor is very ____________. Invincible: impossible to defeat or overcome When Popeye ate _________, he knew he was invincible. 4.3 Intruding: entering a place without being invited Garfield _________ Odie for intruding on his nap. Impression: an idea or feeling about someone or something The hunter’s first impression of Big Foot was that he was ________. 4.4 Deficiency: A lack or a shortage of something that is needed. Cookie Monster had a deficiency of _______, so he ______. Fearsome: Causing dread or terror; frightening. Sesame Street was terrorized by the fearsome Oscar the Grouch when he _________________.

9 4.6 Confrontation: an angry situation or meeting between two or more people Barney the Dinosaur and Godzilla often got in confrontations over _______________. Quest: a journey or long trip to search for something that is not easy to find Zak and Wheezie could never go on a quest because they couldn’t ______________. 4.7 Artifact: an object that was made by a human long ago and has historical value The treasure hunter ___________ when he discovered the ancient artifact. Divulged: gave information that is private or secret Even Batman doesn’t divulge _____________.

10 one of the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend
one of the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend. He typically features as King Arthur's greatest companion, the lord of Joyous Gard and the greatest swordsman and jouster of the age — until his adultery with Queen Guinevere is discovered, causing a civil war exploited by Mordred which brings about the end of Arthur's kingdom.

11  King Arthur's nephew and a Knight of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend. Under the name Gwalchmei, he appears very early in the legend's development, being mentioned in some of the earliest Welsh Arthurian sources. He is one of a select number of Round Table members to be referred to as one of the greatest knights, most notably in Sir and the Green Knight. 

12 The ----- Knight appears in various forms in Arthurian legend.
Knights in the time of King Arthur clad in black.

13 Castle of Avarice

14 Bloated Moat

15 __________ is the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology.[1]

16 ___________ is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. It is a common subject in science fiction literature, film, video games, and television.

17 Teleportation

18 A _______ drain: designed to drain excess rain and ground water from impervious surfaces such as paved streets, car parks, parking lots, footpaths, sidewalks, and roofs. 

19 a mass of impure carbon particles resulting from the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons.[

20 Chapter 9 and 10 (Predictions)
Name: __________________ Freak the Mighty Chapter 9 and 10 (Predictions)

21 Wrap Up What other THEMES are present in Freak the Mighty?

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