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Kwame’s Sound.

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Presentation on theme: "Kwame’s Sound."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kwame’s Sound

2 What was Kwame’s problem in the story?
How did he solve his problem?

3 What is the scientist showing Kwame here?

4 What sound did Kwame and his sister hear while making the fu fu?

5 Can you read these thump and slide sound representations?

6 Use your own thump and slide symbols to represent this sound.
slide, thump, thump, slide, thump, slide

7 Here are some thump and slide representations students made
Here are some thump and slide representations students made. Let’s see if we can identify the thump and the slide. How could we improve a representation so that it is easier to understand?

8 The speckled bubble bird has been heard for the first time in 50 years deep in the woods of Arkansas. What is our problem?

9 Let’s draw a sound representation together.
Now you draw a sound representation for the speckled bubble bird.

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