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Ideas to help you answer questions 3-6

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1 Ideas to help you answer questions 3-6
Stage two Ideas to help you answer questions 3-6

2 Questions 3, 4, 5 & 6 You may have noticed by now, that some of the tasks in stage two don’t have specific questions for you to tick off and answer. For example… CRITERIA 3: “A) Present information on the setting of your novel. This should include both time and place. Think carefully about this. Could a similar story be set in a different time or place? Why or why not? Could it be set in a different cultural setting? Why or why not? Who does the setting influence who are considered the ‘insiders’ and who are the ‘outsiders’ B) Find or make some visual material to show or represent how you imagine the setting of your novel. Explain why you have made these choices.’

3 Questions 3, 4, 5 & 6 This is an attempt to prepare you partly for the different style of work which is expected from you in year 10, and also an attempt to get you to think more deeply and more critically about the text.

4 How can you answer these questions?
Think of each criteria as a discussion, rather than questions which you need to answer individually and directly. Break down each of the criteria, to see what it’s asking of you. For example, criteria 3 could be broken down into the following points: Present information on the setting of your novel. This should include both time and place. Think carefully about this. Could a similar story be set in a different time or place? Why or why not? Could it be set in a different cultural setting? Who does the setting influence who are considered the ‘insiders’ and who are the ‘outsiders’ Find or make some visual material to show or represent how you imagine the setting of your novel. Explain why you have made these choices.’ Use these point to help you formulate your response. I’m not looking for a question/answer style of response, where you write down the question and then answer it directly. I’m wanting you to engage in a discussion. Your response should be more of a continuous response and should probably be several paragraphs long.

5 How can you answer these questions?
It is important that you do cover all of the points listed in each of the criteria in your discussion. However, it’s possible and highly likely that you’ll begin to discuss other things too. This is most certainly OK and encouraged! It’s a great idea to include some of your own relevant discussion points. This would show me how you are engaging with the text and thinking critically about it. For example, you might like to comment on subject or themes within the text, even though it’s not specifically asked of you

6 Still don’t get it? If you’re still having trouble with what it is I’m after specifically, here’s some things you can do… Talk to your reading partner and discuss some ideas Go and talk to someone studying a different book to get a different perspective Come and have a chat with me, or send me an (but not one that just says “I don’t get it”) Chat to Mum or Dad to see what they think

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