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Narrating Unforgettable Moments

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1 Narrating Unforgettable Moments
Unit 18 Lesson 1 Session 1

2 Why do we tell stories about unforgettable moments?

3 Why do we tell stories about unforgettable moments?
Sharing personal and amusing stories is one way people connect with each other. The ability to share stories is an important component in developing and maintaining relationships. Telling stories about unforgettable moments is a good way to strengthen connections with each other.

4 Goal of this Unit We are going to develop essential skills needed to tell a story successfully. Role shift is an essential tool used in telling stories and even jokes. It allows you to tell what happened in a vivid way, and to describe the person’s thought, behavior, or reaction simultaneously.

5 Lesson 1: Pass, Throw, and Spill
Introduces you to the basic role shift sequence using only the initiator’s view. You will learn to use role shift to show movement of an object (ICL, LCL) or liquid (ECL) between people to tell a simple story about a mishap involving an object or liquid.

6 FLT Today I will practice basic role shift from the initiator’s view by using instrument classifiers (ICL) and locative classifiers (LCL). I’ll know I’ve got it when I can successfully pass and trace the route of thrown objects in ASL.


8 Basic Role shift Sequence
Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people.

9 Basic Role Shift Sequence
Tell where you and the other person are located. ME STAND “here” LEARN+ER STAND IX-loc “on right” Name the object. FLOWER Tell how the object is passed between the two people. ME rs:me ICL “give flowers to student on right” IX “right” rs:student ICL “receives flowers from left”

10 Practice passing the flowers

11 Practice passing the flowers

12 Practice passing the flowers

13 Practice passing the flowers

14 Thrown Objects

15 Thrown Objects In this case ICL “toss” and ICL “catch” are used to indicate who threw the ball and who caught it. We also must add LCL:1 “path of the ball in the air” to trace the path of the ball traveled.

16 Basic Role Shift Sequence
Tell where you and the other person are located. ME STAND “here” LEARN+ER SCL:V “stand on my right” Name the object. fs-BALL (2H)DCL:CLAW “ball” Tell how the object is passed between the two people. ME rs:me ICL “toss ball to the right” LSL:1 “path of the ball in the air” IX “right” rs:student ICL “catches ball from left.”

17 Facial Expressions for LCL:1 “path of ball in air”
“open mouth” (far) “mm” (nearby but not close) “cs” (very close”

18 Instrument Classifiers (ICL)
What is an ICL?

19 Instrument Classifiers (ICL)
What is an ICL? How an object is handled or manipulated.

20 Locative Classifiers (LCL)
What is an LCL?

21 Locative Classifiers (LCL)
What is an LCL? Shows the location and movement of an object.

22 Basic Role Shift Sequence
Tell where you and the other person are located. Name Object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. Possible outcome. what is the possible outcome after the object is passed between the two people?

23 4. Possible Outcomes person catches the object.
person drops the object. person is hit by the object. person sees the object just in time. person is nearly hit by the object.

24 Outcome A - Person Catches the Ball
Watch the outcome and look how Stefanie follows the Role Shift Sequence: Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. Tell the outcome.

25 Outcome A - Person Catches the Ball
Tell Where you and the other person are located. Stefanie introduces and places the characters with raised eyebrows. She shows agreement by glancing in the direction of the man when referring to him. Name the Object Stefanie shifts to the woman and tells that the ball was thrown, fingerspelling “ball.”

26 Outcome A - Person Catches the Ball
3. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. Stefanie shifts to the woman to show her throwing the ball and tracks the movement of the ball with her eyes as it travels toward the man located on her left. 4. Tell the outcome. Stefanie shifts to the man, changing her eye gaze and body orientation, and resumes tracking the imaginary ball from the man’s point of view. The man’s expression shows that the ball was caught with ease.

27 Outcome B - Person Drops the Ball
Watch the outcome and look how Stefanie follows the Role Shift Sequence: Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. Tell the outcome.

28 Outcome B - Person Drops the Ball
Stefanie shifts her body to show the man readying himself to catch the ball (open mouth in anticipation of catching the ball) and simultaneously shows the ball approaching with her right hand (LCL:S “ball”). When the ball reaches the man’s hand, the signer changes her facial expression into “th” mouth expression meaning “clumsily” or “out of control” and continues that expression when showing the ball bouncing away.

29 Outcome C - Person Is Hit by the Ball
Watch the outcome and look how Stefanie follows the Role Shift Sequence: Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. Tell the outcome.

30 Outcome C - Person Is Hit by the Ball
Stefanie shifts to show the man looking away using “th” expression indicating “inattentive” or “unaware” and simultaneously shows the ball approaching him with her right hand (LCL:S “ball”). The moment the ball hits the signer’s cheek, she changes her expression from “being unaware” to “pain/anger” while her eye gaze shifts to the right to show the man looking to see who threw the ball.

31 Outcome D - Person Sees the Ball Just in Time
Watch the outcome and look how Stefanie follows the Role Shift Sequence: Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. Tell the outcome.

32 Outcome D - Person Sees the Ball Just in Time
Stefanie shifts to show the man blinking as he turns his head to the right with an “unsuspecting” facial expression. Her expression changes to “surprised/panic” showing the man’s reaction to the oncoming ball before making the catch. The moment the ball is caught, Stefanie blinks her eyes to indicate impact. When she opens her eyes, her head shakes showing relief.

33 Outcome E - Person is Nearly Hit by the Ball
Watch the outcome and look how Stefanie follows the Role Shift Sequence: Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. Tell the outcome.

34 Outcome E - Person is Nearly Hit by the Ball
Stefanie shifts to show the man looking away using “th” mouth expression indicating “inattentive” or “unaware.” With her right she shows the ball coming using LCL:1 “direction of ball.” As the ball reaches the vicinity of the signer’s face, she changes her facial expression from an “unaware” to a “surprised” reaction. The signer continues this “surprise” expression as she changes her eye gaze to show the man looking to see who threw the ball and at the same time her right hand, LCL:1 “ball passing,” shows the ball going past the man’s face.

35 Practice... Practice each outcome.
Be prepared to sign the outcomes for the class.

36 Exercise 1: Hit or Miss Page 2 of your textbook.
Follow the basic role shift sequence to gloss and sign each of the 9 situations. Be prepared to sign each of the situations for the class.

37 Exercise 1: Example You toss a pencil to your classmate.
Tell where you and the other person are located.

38 Exercise 1: Example You toss a pencil to your classmate.
Tell where you and the other person are located. IX-me STAND “here” FRIEND SCL:V “stand on my right” Name the object.

39 Exercise 1: Example You toss a pencil to your classmate.
Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. PENCIL Tell how the object is passed between the two people.

40 Exercise 1: Example You toss a pencil to your classmate.
Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. IX-me rs:ICL “toss pencil to the right” LCL:1 “path of pencil in the air” Possible Outcomes.

41 Exercise 1: Example You toss a pencil to your classmate.
Tell where you and the other person are located. Name the object. Tell how the object is passed between the two people. Possible Outcomes. rs:friend ICL “catches the pencil” rs:friend ICL “drops the pencil” rs:friend ICL “pencil hits them in the face” rs:friend ICL “sees and catches pencil just in time” rs:friend ICL “pencils flies by their head almost hitting them”

42 Exercise 1: Example You toss a pencil to your classmate.
IX-me STAND “here” FRIEND SCL:V “stand on my right” PENCIL. IX-me rs:ICL “toss pencil to the right” LCL:1 “path of pencil in the air” rs:friend ICL “catches the pencil”

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