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Third Grade Curriculum Night

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1 Third Grade Curriculum Night
September 12, 2013 Wiley International Magnet Elementary Ryan Robertson Katie Dow Chris Hahner

2 Agenda Introduction Video Schedule Curriculum Collaboration
Classroom Economy Field Trips Communication

3 Wiley’s Mission Statement
The Wiley community empowers innovative learners who explore and enhance our changing world. Our staff was so excited about the opportunity to create a new Wiley mission statement that reflects our passion, our incredible school community and our commitment to our students and our world. Everything we do aligns with our mission statement our core values at Wiley!

4 Our Daily Schedule 8:45 – 9:15 Arrival & Morning Work 9:15 – 9:20 Morning Meeting 9:20 – 10:30 Math Workshop 10:30 – 11:05 Social Studies/Science Lunch & Recess 12:15 – 1:35 Languages & Electives 1:40 – 2:10 WISE Time (Mon- Thurs) 2:15 – 3:15 Reader’s Workshop 3:15 – 3:40 Writer’s Workshop 3:45 Dismissal 3:40 - 3:45 We changed our schedule from last year to allow for improved integration and alignment of learning. We begin with math and then go right into science (half of quarter) or social studies (other half of the quarter). This allows the kids to be reading, writing and creating about science and social studies units during the afternoon literacy block. Learning is not segmented into blocks of our day – it should be seamless and students connect all subjects!

5 Literacy Block Reader’s Workshop Guided Reading & Conferring
Writer’s Workshop Word Study & Vocabulary K-2 Learn to Read 3-5 Read to LEARN Various components of literacy throughout our day Whole group, small group, one-on-one conferring Modeling Explicit Language, Specific Skills and Strategies Reading a variety of texts/genres Digital Literacy

6 Writer’s Workshop Genres Continuous Cycle Opinion Letter writing
Personal Narrative Informational Writing Poetry Continuous Cycle Planning Drafting Revising Editing Publishing

7 Math Workshop 8 Mathematical Practices Math Talk
Third Grade Critical Areas: Multiplication and division strategies Arrays and area Fractions (¼ + ¼ + ¼ = ¾) Two-dimensional shapes 8 Practices (How Students Show Their Work and Their Thinking) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

8 Science Human Body Objects in the Sky Plants & Soil Changes

9 Social Studies Our Units of Study: History and Colonial America
Civics and Government Geography, Environmental Literacy and Culture - Economics and Financial Literacy In 3rd grade a large focus is on CHANGE over time This year we will be using a lot of artifacts and hands-on connections – goal is to bring social studies to life for the students. We will have a lot of guest speakers, field trips, virtual field trips, etc. We are so fortunate to have many amazing resources here in Raleigh (museums, etc.)

10 WISE Time Begins October 7th Monday – Thursday 1:40 to 2:10
Grouped by assessment data Flexible grouping Remediation, review and enrichment Math: Monday & Tuesday Literacy: Wednesday & Thursday Groups will change frequently based on our focus skill. All groups will be determined by assessment data (for the objectives we are focusing on). This is a wonderful time for students to practice, to enhance and apply their skills. The children have the opportunity to work in small groups with a variety of teachers!

11 Classroom Management The Wiley Way: Respect Yourself Respect Others
Respect Your School Classroom Economy Students are actively involved in a year-long study of economics where they earn credits and debits while maintaining a class bank and store. The unit is cross-curricular: students learn major-principles concepts, as well as use math skills on a daily basis. The students' potential to earn credits and debits (incentive!) also helps teachers facilitate classroom management. Students Will: Participate in a classroom economy designed to mimic real world economic activity Compare economic systems over time and history Evaluate the importance of classroom jobs and daily responsibilities Perform classroom jobs to earn daily salaries Budget their money and balance their "checking accounts" Use a decision making model to make consumer decisions Reflect on the importance of saving money Discover that every decision has an opportunity cost Observe consumer behavior to understand the law of demand Discover how inflation works and the effect it can have on the classroom economy Study economic trends in the classroom economy

12 Tentative Field Trips Joel Lane House STARLAB (At Wiley)
Morehead Planetarium Museum Trips Guest Speakers Virtual Field Trips Tied closely to science and social studies curriculum Please make sure to renew your volunteer clearance with Wake County now!

13 Communication Newsletters Homework Calendars Monday Folders
Class websites Conferences Volunteers

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