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Frayer Model Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Frayer Model Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frayer Model Vocabulary
Word Definition Part of Speech Sentence Picture

2 Vocabulary Words Procedures Grief Sheared

3 Vocabulary Word #1 Procedure Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: a particular course or mode of action. Sentence: The procedures in this classroom are very important.

4 Vocabulary Word of the Day #1
Grief Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Deep sadness Sentence: He was overcome with grief after he heard that the building burned down.

5 Vocabulary Word #2 Accommodate Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: to adjust actions in response to the needs of somebody Sentence: The splendid dining room comfortably accommodates up to 100 guests for a sit down meal.

6 Vocabulary Word #3 Monotonous Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: uninteresting or boring Sentence: Sally's work in the bakery became monotonous and she got bored.

7 Vocabulary Word #4 Superior Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: above average in excellence; better than something else Sentence: I think that Coca-cola is superior to Pepsi.

8 Vocabulary Word #5 Cliché Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: an overused expression Sentence: Perhaps the cliché “break a leg” was not the best thing to say to the dancer before she performed.

9 Vocabulary Word #6 Wallowed Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: Rolled and tilted Sentence: The pig wallowed in the mud.

10 Vocabulary Word #7 Rural Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: outside the city Sentence: She lives in a rural part of the country, surrounded by farmland.

11 Vocabulary Word #8 Sheared Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: To cut off sharply Sentence: The great cliffs sheared off into the sea.

12 Vocabulary Word #9 Immense Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: huge; immeasurable Sentence: There was immense damage to the World Trade Center after the first plane hit.

13 Vocabulary Word #10 Hoax Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: intended to deceive Sentence: The police spent two days searching for the kidnapped child, but it turned out to be a hoax.

14 Vocabulary Word #11 Intimidate Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to fill with fear Sentence: Don’t let the doctor intimidate you; there is nothing to fear.

15 Vocabulary Word #12 Mimic Part of Speech: verb Definition: to copy
Sentence: The vice president tried to mimic the president after his absence.

16 Vocabulary Word #13 Strive Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to try hard Sentence: Jensen strives to make good grades in all of her classes.

17 Vocabulary Word #14 Originate Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to begin, start, or arise Sentence: The practice originated during the Middle Ages.

18 Vocabulary Word #15 Exaggerate Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to overstate or magnify beyond truth Sentence: Sydney exaggerates sometimes when she says that the fish she caught was as big as a dump truck.

19 Vocabulary Word #16 Erupt Part of Speech: verb
Definition: to become active; explode Sentence: Tyler erupted in anger when the Tar Heels lost the game.

20 Vocabulary Word #17 Eerie Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: scary or weird Sentence: The eerie midnight howling frightened Kyle and Hunter.

21 Vocabulary Word #18 Cordial Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: sincere and heartfelt Sentence: Milton had a cordial welcome from his new teammates on the football team.

22 Vocabulary Word #19 Concise Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: brief or to the point Sentence: Jessica answered the question in a concise way; she said “Yes.”

23 Vocabulary Word #20 Priority Part of Speech: noun
Definition: something that is determined to be more important than other things Sentence: Because she will have a baby in March, Mrs. Bales’ priorities will soon change.

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