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From Garibaldi to final unification

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1 From Garibaldi to final unification

2 1860 Piedmont has acquired - Lombardy - Parma - Modena - Tuscany
- the Romagna

3 Napoleon III has taken fright!
But he has now got Nice and Savoy! ………and French troops are in Rome.

4 Garibaldi enters the scene
A master revolutionary – democrat and republican and a nationalist; Revolt breaks out in Sicily April 1860 Garibaldi is asked to help. This worried Cavour – international reactions.

5 The Mille – 1000 redshirts Cavour doesn’t stop Garibaldi leaving Genoa - WHY? Garibaldi lands at Marsala May 1860. Defeats the Bourbon forces & sets up a government in the name of Victor Emmanuel II


7 Garibaldi crosses to the mainland
Cavour tries to stop him. British navy helps – by accident! Naples captured in August 1860 Garibaldi declares that Rome will be next!


9 Cavour – master diplomat – saves the situation.
Cavour persuades Napoleon III to allow Piedmont to occupy Umbria and the Marches to suppress a revolt. Plebiscite held in Naples & Sicily


11 Garibaldi met Victor Emmanuel II at Teano and hands over the kingdom

12 Victor Emmanuel II – king of Italy
17th march 1861 - Without Venetia or Rome.

13 Venetia 1866 Prussia & German unification
Bismarck asks for a military alliance with Italy June 1866 Austro-Prussian war Italy attacks Austria – defeated! But Prussia wins Venetia given to Austria.

14 Rome 1870 Garibaldi tried – 1867…………………. Failed
Chance came in 1870 – start of the Franco-Prussian war. France pre-occupied – defeat at Sedan, III republic proclamed Italian troops take over Rome. – Pope flees to the Vatican city.

15 …………………….But what about the Trentino and South Tyrol?
Italy is united at last! …………………….But what about the Trentino and South Tyrol?

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