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Department of Geology and Geological Engineering

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1 Department of Geology and Geological Engineering
Van Tuyl Lecture Series- Fall 2014 4:00-5:00 p.m. in Berthoud Hall Room 241    Thursday, September 4, 2014 Dr. Andre Revil Colorado School of Mines “Deterministic and Stochastic Hydrogeophysics” Abstract: In this presentation, I will discuss how to incorporate additional information in geophysical imaging of hydrogeological targets. This will include data fusion using specific attributes, the development of algorithms incorporating geological information through image guided inversion, the use of fully coupled inversion and the pilot point technique in the joint inversion of geophysical and hydrogeological data. Examples will include aquifer testing and the use of saline tracers to image hydraulic conductivity and specific storage distributions using self-potential, DC resistivity, induced polarization, and electromagnetic data in addition to the classical hydrogeological data. I will also discuss harmonic pumping tests and the use of geophysical information in this context. Finally I will discuss a completely new high resolution geophysical imaging method developed with Paul Sava in geophysics and based on seismic focusing (beamforming) and electrokinetic conversion.

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