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Public Services Information Management

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1 Public Services Information Management
6. User friendly sites

2 Public Services Information Management 6: User friendly sites
Design principle : Frames scroll Most webpages are now avoiding frames (less easy for search engines to index)

3 Public Services Information Management 6: User friendly sites
The whole website has been thought out as a whole i.e. no point further than three clicks away….. Pages are not cluttered! Navigation is evident

4 Public Services Information Management 6: User friendly sites
Friendly features… clear information or where to get further information Contact details, including addresses, (easy!), telephone numbers (often forgotten), mail addresses Distinguish between who to contact / who maintains the site

5 Public Services Information Management 6: User friendly sites
Nice to visit because… content, content, content! Evidently kept up-to-date Utilities built in such as… Search utilities Site maps Interactivity aids. E.g.

6 Public Services Information Management 6: User friendly sites
Oh no! Site under construction Music Flashy gimmicks Big image downloads

7 Public Services Information Management 6: User friendly sites
What people like to see... - Evidently up-to-date i.e. last updated entry - professional ‘look and feel’ - minimum download time - follows conventions that people expect... ....links in blue ....images with ‘alt’ tags labelled

8 Public Services Information Management 6: User friendly sites
Follow good examples... Although designed by professionals, there are still good principles that we can infer...

9 Public Services Information Management 6: User friendly sites
Some useful sites... Note also use of navigation bars..

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