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Rock & Mineral Project Now you are a geologist! You have been on a trip and have collected some cool rocks. You are going to research your rocks and.

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Presentation on theme: "Rock & Mineral Project Now you are a geologist! You have been on a trip and have collected some cool rocks. You are going to research your rocks and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock & Mineral Project Now you are a geologist! You have been on a trip and have collected some cool rocks. You are going to research your rocks and share your information with the class.

2 DO: SWBAT Identify and research 3 different kinds of Rocks DQ: Can you identify and describe rocks?
Agenda: With a partner, choose 1 igneous, 1 sedimentary, 1 metamorphic, 1 any choice Assign each person the rock(s) that they are responsible for identifying and researching. Research the information LISTED on the next slide for each rock. is a good place to start. Type your information on a word doc. in your own words! No cutting and pasting!

3 Information to research
What type of rock is it? What sub-group does it belong to? Igneous- intrusive or extrusive? Metamorphic- foliated or non-foliated? Sedimentary- clastic, chemical, or organic? Describe in detail how the rock was formed. Where is the rock found? How common is it? What is it used for? What are 3 additional interesting facts can you find about your rock? Include your citation in MLA format. This info will be your yellow/factual statements in your paragraph This info is your support/explanation.

4 Research Paragraph DO NOT SHARE THIS YET.
Each student writes a paragraph about their rock using this information on a google doc. Include a picture of your rock from the internet. Paragraph should include: Introduction sentence Facts about each question/topic. Examples, explanations, and details for each fact. Conclusion sentence Writing conventions to consider: Sentence fluency and format Spelling and grammar Good word choice that adds interest and enthusiasm DO NOT SHARE THIS YET.

Paragraph should include: Introduction sentence Facts about each question/topic. Examples, explanations, and details for each fact. Conclusion sentence Example format: My partner and I researched 4 different types of rocks – [ insert types/data about each]. First, [name of igneous rock] was formed by….. And can be found _____. This rock is used for_________________ and [insert 3 other interesting facts about your rock] DO THIS FOR ALL 4 ROCKS – DON’T FORGET A CONCLUSION.

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