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Cases practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Cases practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cases practice

2 Choose the appropriate case of the underlined nouns
Mater stolas puellis ostendebat. A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

3 Bulbus defixionem in fonte quaesivit.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

4 Ubi sunt milites? A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative
E. ablative

5 Dominus cum servo appropinquabat.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

6 Princeps militibus signum dat.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

7 In oppido erat magnus fons.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

8 Naves plenae nautārum in portu sunt.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

9 A man with a yellow hat entered the shop.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

10 The crowd was very exited, wanting to hear the speech.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

11 Charlotte’s dress was beautiful, made of the purest silk.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

12 A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative
She did not want to give him any attention. A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

13 Peter could not find his shoes.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

14 We do not know the way. Ask that lady in a blue dress.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

15 I saw him yesterday talking to our new neighbor.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

16 Do not give him to much of the cake!
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

17 The children liked to watch the passengers on the ship.
A. nominative B. genitive C. dative D. accusative E. ablative

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