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Journal #17 What are the SIX groups of Nutrients?

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1 Journal #17 What are the SIX groups of Nutrients?
What is the MOST important Nutrient? How many minutes per day should you exercise? How many calories should the average person consume?

2 Article Presentations?

3 Fats ,Carbohydrates, Protein, Water , Vitamin/Minerals
60 minutes 2,000 Calories

4 Eating Disorders

5 Definitions A condition in which a person has a compelling need to starve, to binge, or to binge and purge. Binge: to eat large amounts of food over a short amount of time. Purge: to rid the body of food by vomiting or using laxatives.

6 Anorexia vs. Bulimia- What is the difference?
Teens with Anorexia -often females very thin -deny behavior -deny they are hungry -no menstrual period -resist treatment Teens with Bulimia -often females normal weight -are aware of behavior and often guilty -irregular menstrual periods -more likely to get help

7 Anorexia

8 Anorexia “Starvation sickness”
People refuse to eat and deny that they are hungry Intense fear of body fat Never thin enough Warning signs Abnormal weight loss Depression Moodiness Fear of being fat

9 Bulimia People induce vomiting or take laxatives after eating high calorie food Warning Signs Fluctuation in weight Leaving after eating Eating enormous meals without gaining weight

10 Binge Eating When a person cannot control eating and eats excessive amounts 2 or more times per week for six months. Why do you think people over eat? For all eating disorders, medical professionals agree that food is not the primary problem. Usually it is stress in a person’s life and or societies perception of thinness.

11 Prevalence among Teens
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa in the United States range from 2% to 6%. This implies that between 5 and 16 million people suffer from these disorders. As many as 25 million more individuals suffer from Binge Eating Disorder. Approximately 90% of those afflicted with these disorders are women.

12 Prevalence continued 86% of individuals afflicted with these disorders report the onset before the age of 20. 10% of all eating disorders end in death. Studies suggest that 5 to 10 percent of people with anorexia or bulimia are males.

13 Signs and Symptoms Laxative abuse Guilt or shame after eating.
Feelings of loss of control while eating. Use of diet pills Eating when not hungry Sneaking food Body image obsession Self induced vomiting Menstrual irregularities Fasting Depression Low body weight Compulsive exercise

14 Medical Complications
Tooth loss Erosion of enamel Dry skin Lack of sleep Lowered body temp Skeletal and muscle weakness Cramps and constipation Infertility Anemia Kidney failure Chronic dehydration Fatty infiltration of the liver. Esophageal lacerations Osteoporosis

15 Why Teens are at risk 1) Emphasis on appearance 2) Perfectionism
3) The need to control 4) Expression of Emotions 5) Media Influence and pressure

16 What can you do to help? If you suspect a friend or family member has an eating disorder, talk to a counselor or health care professional. A person with an eating disorder need professional help. Encourage them to seek the help they need.

17 Websites State and public health departments Overeaters Anonymous:
American Anorexia Bulimia Association:

18 Documentary: I Am a Child Anorexic

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