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ITUC Survey and Global Rights Index

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1 ITUC Survey and Global Rights Index

2 ITUC Survey Database with information on violations in law and practice across countries Compiled through legal analysis and responses to a questionnaire sent to all ITUC affiliates Available online:

3 Content Freedom of Association Collective Bargaining Right to Strike
Anti-union discrimination

4 Relevant facts Name person (if possible) and/or union concerned
Date/timeline/location of incident(s) Description of the incident Who is responsible? Company/sector? Which government institution? Steps taken at national or international level? Further consequences or implications of the violation? Isolated incident or part of a pattern of abuses?

5 ITUC Global Rights Index
141 countries rated from 1-5 based on degree of respect for collective labour rights Numerical presentation of information in the Survey Information for each country coded against 97 indicators More detailed information on methodology under

6 2016 Findings 82 countries exclude certain groups of workers from labour law Over two-thirds of countries have workers who have no right to strike More than half of all countries deny some or all workers collective bargaining Number of countries which deny or constrain free speech and freedom of assembly increased from 41 to 50 Percentage of countries where workers are exposed to physical violence and threats increased by 44 per cent (from 36 to 52)

7 2016 Findings (continued) The ten worst countries for working people this year are Belarus, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Guatemala, India, Iran, Qatar, Turkey and the UAE Middle East and North Africa remains the world’s worst region when it comes to fundamental rights at work

8 Contribute to the Survey
Send information on violations whenever they happen to Information can be sent in any format (news article, , report) Respond to the ITUC questionnaire

9 How to collect information
Record complaints/violations reported by your affiliates throughout the year Send questionnaire to affiliates Collect testimony through interviews at workplaces Check media sources and verify information

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