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My Project Title (Track: Software)

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Presentation on theme: "My Project Title (Track: Software)"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Project Title (Track: Software)
My Team

2 Organization of your presentation
Start with your motivation for developing this particular software Describe the function of the software you’ve been developing and explain why we need it. Who would need to use it? Describe your specific goal (e.g., extend MeTA toolkit with an XXX algorithm) Then provide a description of the algorithm(s) implemented to solve the task in some detail. Describe the (envisioned) usage of your software. How would people use it once it’s completed? Discuss any challenges that you encountered or decisions that you had to make Describe to what extent you have already finished the implementation Discuss what are the remaining tasks and include any barriers or difficulties that you might be facing. If you have already finished it, show some examples of results.

3 Use this template to show a bulleted list: Motivation
XXX is a commonly needed task in many applications such as …. Existing toolkits can’t support XXX (or can’t support XXX in a particular way) We develop a new software to provided the needed support for XXX Here’s more detail of the algorithm that we implemented …. Here’s how people can use this software…. For demo, see

4 Use this template to show two columns of text

5 Use this slide template to show a picture
It’s easy to do a screenshot: just press the “Prt Sc” key and then past the picture of the screen by using “Ctrl-v” or selecting “Paste” option in PowerPoint

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